London Energy Forum 2022

S&P Global Platts London Energy Forum is back to kick-off London International Energy Week on February 21, 2022. At a time focused on recovery and a greater push on climate targets, join us to gain our latest analysis on market trends and the outlook for energy commodities. Our respected experts will share their insights, providing you with the opportunity to ask questions and give your views on the challenges the commodity markets face today.

In 2022, the event will be held in a hybrid format. Whichever way you attend, you will gain the latest insights into our benchmark updates, energy market outlooks and a special session on balancing the world of emissions and climate commitments.
    Registration is now closed

    This event took place on Monday, February 21 2022. If you have any questions, please get in touch with [email protected].

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    Showcase Partner


Plenary sessions
  • 8:15 amRegistration and Networking
  • 8:45-9:15 am Optional workshop: Carbon Intensity and its Role in Commodity Trading
    Moderated by: Deb Ryan, Head of Low Carbon Market Analytics
    Paula Vanlaningham, Global Head of Carbon
    Arsalan Syed, Americas Editor, Low Carbon Oil
    Varaleka Pant, Low Carbon Markets Analyst
  • 9:30 amWelcome
  • Saugata Saha, President 
  • 9:45 amOutlook for established and emerging price benchmarks
  • Vera Blei, Global Director, Oil & LNG Markets
  • 10:10 amGlobal energy market outlook
  • Dave Ernsberger, Global Head of Pricing & Market Insight
  • 10:50 amNetworking break
  • 11:00-11:30 am Optional workshop: European Refining and changes to the crude slate
  • Geoffrey Smith, Director, Oil & Shipping Research, Refinitiv
  • 11:35 amSpecial session: Balancing the world of energy and carbon though policy and markets
  • • How far are we from seeing the world achieve its net zero promises? Where do we need to see progress- how is that tracking?
    • How are ambitious policies being set – and where is more direction and clarity needed to achieve results?
    • Special focus on the EU Fit for 55 policy, EU Methane Regulations, UK Hydrogen policy
    • How much can we expect from clean technologies? Where can markets and pricing drive outcomes?

    Moderated by: Jonty Rushforth, Head of Markets Group and Energy Transition
    Roman Kramarchuk, Head Future Energy Analytics
    Michael Evans, EU/UK Compliance Analyst
    Alan Hayes, Head of Energy Transition Pricing
  • 12:15 pmNetworking lunch
  • 12:45-1:15 pm Optional workshop: Voluntary Carbon Markets
  • Moderated by: Paula Vanlaningham, Global Head of Carbon
    Silvia Favasuli, EMEA Editor, Carbon
    Deb Ryan, Head of Low Carbon Market Analytics
    Michael Evans, EU/UK Compliance Analyst 
Breakout sessions – Understand the current and future outlooks
  • 1:40 pmBreakout 1: Upstream focus: Opportunities and challenges for crude oil markets in a time of transition
    • The way ahead for European & African crude oil supply
    • US crude’s outlook in the global markets
    • The OPEC+ challenge from market volatility and geopolitical interventions
    • Crude oil supply risks in the energy transition
    • Oil benchmarks update
  • Moderator: Joel Hanley, Global Director, Crude & Fuel Oil
    Iain Stevenson, Managing Editor, Crude Oil, EMEA
    Herman Wang, Managing Editor, OPEC/Middle East news
    Nick Coleman, Senior Editor, Oil News
    Emma Kettley, Global Lead, Brent Complex

     Breakout 2: The role of LNG & Gas in a decarbonizing world
    • Unchartered waters: What drove the record run up in gas prices 2021 and what will dictate where we go from here?
    • LNG’s evolution toward commoditization: Standardization around indexation, terminology and the move toward digitization
    • Longer term market evolution: Does potential growth in emerging gas markets, namely China and Brazil, justify new investment in LNG liquefaction infrastructure?
    • Carbon-neutral LNG: Does CNL have a role in a decarbonizing world, and if so, what is holding back further growth in the industry?
  • Moderator: Allen Reed, Managing Editor, Atlantic LNG
    Luke Cottell, Senior Analyst, LNG
    Piers De Wilde, Senior Pricing Specialist, Atlantic Basin LNG
    Veda Chowdhury, Senior Pricing Specialist, Americas Natural Gas

  •  Breakout 3: Feedstocks constraints at a time of rising demand for Biofuels
    • New uses for biofuels: SAF, marine fuels, bionaphtha
    • An evolving biofuels market in Europe
    • The hunt for the next generation of feedstocks
    • Changes in biofuels carbon intensity
  • Moderator: Robert Beaman, Associate Pricing Director, EMEA Agriculture
    Monika Rajoria, Biofuels Analyst
    Karim El Afany, Editor, EMEA Ethanol
    George Duke, Editor, EMEA Biodistillates
    Evridiki Dimitriadou, Analyst, Future Energy
  • 2:25pmBreak
  • 2:35 pmBreakout 4: Fundamental shifts in transport fuels in a post-COVID world
    • Is a structural recovery on the horizon? What challenges to conventional jet fuel from sustainability mandates?
    • What way for European arbitrages of gasoline as demand evolves post-COVID?
    • What new shape for trade flows as refinery capacity expands?
    • What challenges to European markets from new refining capacity outside of the continent?
  • Moderator: Francesco Di Salvo, Associate Editorial Director, EMEA Clean Refined Products
    Gary Clark, Managing Editor, EMEA Middle Distillates
    Kieran Hess, Managing Editor, EMEA Light Ends
    Virginie Malicier, Senior Editor, EMEA Middle Distillates
    Rasool Barouni, Manager Refining Economics, Analytics
    Elza Turner, Senior Editor, EMEA Oil

     Breakout 5: Cash and carbon – will shipping market windfalls finance decarbonization?
    • Tanker markets lacking stimulus – what could prompt a recovery?
    • How will the container bonanza affect the future of logistics?
    • What will the global fleet look like in 2030?
  • Moderator: Peter Norfolk, Editorial Director, Global Shipping & Freight
    Ewa Manthey, Associate Editor, EMEA Shipping
    George Griffiths, Managing Editor, Global Container Freight
    Anastasia Zania, Freight Analyst
    Chris To , Editor, Tanker Markets,

     Breakout 6: Hydrogen breakout: Developing a traded hydrogen market
    • How can international traded hydrogen markets function?
    • Dealing with colors, how to price hydrogen from multiple pathways.
    • The importance of understanding and measuring hydrogen’s carbon intensity across production pathways
    • Hydrogen outlook: how are fundamentals shaping up
  • Moderator: Alan Hayes, Head of Energy Transition Pricing
    Patricia Pinter: Associate EMEA Editor, Guarantees of Origin
    Anna Robba, Head of Energy Signposts
    Roman Kramarchuk, Head Future Energy Analytics

  • 3:20pmBreak
  • 3:30 pmBreakout 7: Petrochemicals: Development of sustainable models determines long-term resilience
    • Polymer recycling: Transforming used plastics into valuable feedstocks
    • Methanol bunkering: opportunities and challenges of shipping decarbonization
    • Energy transition moves petrochemicals’ oil demand into focus
    • Container chaos exposes petrochemical supply weaknesses
  • Moderator: Ora Lazic, Senior Market Engagement Lead
    Stergios Zacharakis, Global Market Lead - Methanol Chair
    Ben Brooks, Global Lead, Recycled Plastics
    George Griffiths, Editor, Container Freight Markets
    Mike McCafferty, Senior Clean Energy Analyst

  •  Breakout 8: Bunkers market moves beyond IMO 2020
    • With IMO 2020 in the rear-view mirror, what is next on the regulatory horizon?
    • What are the most likely future fuels to be used in the shipping sector?
    • What is the future for residual fuel?
    • Outlook for high and low sulfur fuel oil and the impact on scrubber economics
  • Moderator: John Morley, Associate Editorial Director, EMEA Oil
    Tamara Sleiman, Managing Editor, EMEA Fuel Oil
    Stepan Lavrouk, Associate Editor, EMA Fuel Oil
    Anastasia Zania, Freight Analyst
    Thomas Washington, Senior Writer, Transport Fuels

     Breakout 9: Balancing power markets in a Low Carbon World
    • What role will Hydrocarbons have to play to meet demand through 2050?
    • What role does Nuclear power have to play to reach a 2-degree future?
    • Navigating the pathways to Low Carbon Power markets
  • Moderator: Bruno Brunetti, Head of Global Power Analytics
    Amy Gasca, Head of Global Power Pricing
    Shantanu Jha, Low Carbon Electricity Analyst, Europe
    Glen Rickson, Head of European Power Analysis
  • 4:15 pmForum ends
*Agenda subject to change

Key numbers




In-person attendees


Hours of




Networking sessions


Saugata Saha Saugata Saha
President, S&P Global Platts


Deb Ryan - 200x200.jpg Deb Ryan
Head of Low Carbon Market Analytics, S&P Global Platts


Paula_VanLaningham 150x150.png Paula Vanlaningham
Global Head of Carbon, S&P Global Platts


Syed Arsalan.jpg Arsalan Syed
Americas Editor, Low Carbon Oil, S&P Global Platts


Varaleka 200x200.png Varaleka Pant
Low Carbon Markets Analyst, S&P Global Platts


Vera Blei Vera Blei
Global Director, Oil and LNG Markets, S&P Global Platts


Dave Ernsberger.png Dave Ernsberger
Global Head of Pricing & Market Insight, S&P Global Platts


Jonty Rushforth.jpg Jonty Rushforth
Senior Director, Price Group, S&P Global Platts


Headshot_Kramarchuk_Roman_150x150.jpgRoman Kramarchuk
Head of Future Energy Analytics, S&P Global Platts

Alan Hayes (resized).jpg Alan Hayes
Head of Energy Transition Pricing, S&P Global Platts

Headshot_Favasuli_Silvia_150x150.jpg Silvia Favasuli
EMEA Editor, Carbon S&P Global Platts


Michael Evans 200x200.jpg Michael Evans
EU/UK Compliance Analyst, S&P Global Platts


Joel Hanley 150.jpg Joel Hanley
Global Director, Crude & Fuel Oil, S&P Global Platts


IainStephen.jpg Iain Stevenson
Managing Editor, Crude Oil, S&P Global Platts

headshot_Herman Wang_img.PNG Herman Wang
Managing Editor, OPEC/Middle East News, S&P Global Platts


Nick Coleman 200x200.jpg Nick Coleman
Senior Editor, Oil News, S&P Global Platts


ESD-Emma-Kettley.png Emma Kettley
Global Lead, Brent Complex, S&P Global Platts


Allen Reed.jpgAllen Reed
Managing Editor, Atlantic LNG, S&P Global Platts


Luke_Cottell2.png Luke Cottell
Senior Analyst, LNG, S&P Global Platts


Piers de Wilde 150.jpg Piers De Wilde
Senior Pricing Specialist, Atlantic Basin LNG, S&P Global Platts


Veda Chowdhury B&W.jpg Veda Chowdhury
Senior Pricing Specialist, Americas Natural Gas, S&P Global Platts


Robert_Beaman_100.jpg Robert Beaman
Associate Pricing Director, EMEA Agriculture, S&P Global Platts

Monika Rajoria.jpg Monika Rajoria
Biofuels Analyst, S&P Global Platts


Karim El Afany.jpg Karim Elafany
Editor, EMEA Ethanol, S&P Global Platts


George_Duke_100.jpg George Duke
Editor, EMEA Biodistillates, S&P Global Platts


Evridiki Dimitriadou
Analyst, Future Energy, S&P Global Platts
Francesco_Di_Salvo_100.jpgFrancesco Di Salvo
Associate Editorial Director, European & African Clean Products, S&P Global Platts

Gary_Clark100x100.jpg Gary Clark
Managing Editor, Middle Distillates, S&P Global Platts

Kieran Hess - headshot.jpg Kieran Hess
Managing Editor, EMEA Light Ends, S&P Global Platts


Virginie_Malicier_100x100.png Virginie Malicier
Senior Editor, EMEA Middle Distillates, S&P Global Platts


Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Rasool Barouni
Manager Refining Economics, Analytics, S&P Global Platts


Elza_Turner100x100.gif Elza Turner
Senior Editor, EMEA Oil, S&P Global Platts


Peter Norfolk.jpg Peter Norfolk
Editorial Director, Global Shipping & Freight, S&P Global Platts

Manthey Ewa - 200 x 200.jpg Ewa Manthey
Associate Editor, EMEA Shipping, S&P Global Platts


George Griffiths 350.jpg George Griffiths
Managing Editor, Global Container Freight, S&P Global Platts


Anastasia Zania_Photo - 200x200.jpg Anastasia Zania
Freight Analyst, S&P Global Platts


Patricia's picture - 100.jpg Patricia Pinter
Associate EMEA Editor, Guarantees of Origin, S&P Global Platts


Chris To.jpg Chris To
Editor, Tanker Markets, S&P Global Platts


Anne Robba.jpg Anna Robba
Head of Energy Signposts, S&P Global Platts

Stergios Zacharakis.jpg Stergios Zacharakis
Global Market Lead - Methanol Chain, S&P Global Platts


Ben brooks 100x100.jpg Ben Brooks
Global Lead, Recycled Plastics, S&P Global Platts


Ora 100x100.jpg Ora Lazic
Senior Clean Energy Analyst, S&P Global Platts

Mike_McCafferty100x100.png Mike McCafferty
Senior Market Engagement Lead, S&P Global Platts

Speaker-John-Morley.jpg John Morley
Associate Editorial Director, European & African Crude & Fuel Oil, S&P Global Platts

Tamara Sleiman.jpg Tamara Sleiman
Managing Editor, EMEA Fuel Oil, S&P Global Platts


New Headshot- Stepan.png Stepan Lavrouk
Associate Editor, EMEA Fuel Oil, S&P Global Platts
Tom Washington.png Thomas Washington
Senior Writer, Transport Fuels, S&P Global Platts

Headshot_Brunetti_Bruno_150x150.jpg Bruno Brunetti
Head of Global Power Analytics, S&P Global Platts

amy Gasca - new.jpg Amy Gasca
Head of Global Power Pricing, S&P Global Platts
Glenn-Rickson.jpg Glen Rickson
Head of European Power Analysis, S&P Global Platts
 Shantanu Jha - JPEG.jpgShantanu Jha
Low Carbon Electricity Analyst, Europe, S&P Global Platts




Position your business in expert company, distinct from your competitors. At S&P Global Platts London Energy Forum, each sponsor has the opportunity to showcase their product or service to industry-wide professionals. We provide an environment that encourages an honest and open dialogue among attendees. If you would like to lead the conversation as an event sponsor, contact us for more details on available packages: Jon Fleming on +44(0)7815 019864 or [email protected].

Download the brochureDemonstrate your strengths, raise your company profile, and maximize your ROI as we bring key industry players and decision-makers to you. At the S&P Global Platts London Energy Forum, each sponsor has the opportunity to showcase their products and services, and distinguish themselves from the competition. We offer a full range of opportunities and packages, and can even tailor solutions to suit your needs.

Contact us to start a conversation about your goals and how you can lead the pack as an event sponsor: Jon Fleming, Commercial Partnerships Manager, at +44(0)7815 019864 or [email protected].


S&P Global Platts London Energy Forum will take place at the Park Plaza, Westminster Bridge Hotel & Online

Address: Park Plaza, Westminster Bridge Hotel, 200 Westminster Bridge Rd, London, UK, SE1 7UT.
Tel: +44 (0) 333 400 6112
Email: [email protected]

We ask that all attendees for our event present visual proof for either of the following during registration:

    • Proof of COVID vaccination (2+ vaccinations)
      •     • UK residents - You can use the NHS COVID Pass to prove your COVID-19 status.
      •     • International visitors - You can show alternative proof of vaccination
  • Proof of a negative lateral flow or PCR test
    •     • UK residents – Please bring proof of a negative lateral flow test. Report a rapid lateral flow test result online
    •     • International visitors – Please bring digital proof of a recent (within 48 hours) PCR or lateral flow test
Please note - Proof of recovery from previous infection with COVID-19, also known as natural immunity, will not be accepted as an alternative to proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test.

For the duration of the event:
  • • We ask that participants wear facemasks where possible.
  • • We request participants avoid physical contact, such as handshakes and embraces.
  • • We will undertake enhanced cleaning during our event, working with our venue partners to attain the highest standards of cleanliness.
  • • We will provide face masks, hand sanitizing stations, personal sanitizing materials, contactless registration and encourage all participants to regularly wash and disinfect their hands.

View full event terms and conditions

Click here to view the full event terms and conditions, then use the drop-down menu to select the applicable event category.

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How do I register?

We offer three easy ways to register: online, by phone, and by email.

Online: Click here or click any of the "Register Now" buttons
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 (0)20 7176 6111

What if I need to cancel my registration?

If you're not able to attend or send a colleague in your place, and do not want to retain access to the on-demand replay (included with registration), please contact [email protected].

Are there sponsorship opportunities?

Yes, we offer a variety of standard and tailor-made sponsorship opportunities to fit your marketing and business-to-business needs—and your budget. Please reach out directly to the Business Development Manager for this event:

Jon Fleming
Phone: +44(0)7815 019 864
Email: [email protected]

Are press passes available?

Yes, we allow accredited media writing on behalf of major industry publications to cover the event at no charge. Please reach out to the contact below for press pass approval.

[email protected]
Email: [email protected]

What are the event registration and attendance terms and conditions?