Interactive: Platts Renewable Energy Price Explorer
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Interactive: Middle East diesel exports to Europe
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9 Questions, 1 Expert
Sambit Mohanty,

Asia Energy Editor,

S&P Global Commodity Insights

Meet LIVE Member!
Daniel Lawson,

Director, Ecosystems,

S&P Global Commodity Insights

What material was used for the first “pipeline”?

A: Bamboo

B: Wood

C: Plastic

D: Straw

What is the most abundant commodity in the universe?

A: Hydrogen

B: Crude

C: Solar

D: Biofuels

Interactive: Middle East and North Africa state wheat buyers' subsidy policies
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Interactive: Global oil flow tracker
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What nation consumes the most oil per capita?

A: United States

B: China

C: India

D: Japan

Which renewable energy source generates the most electricity globally?

A: Hydroelectric

B: Solar energy

C: Ammonia

D: Wind energy