S&P Global Platts

US NGL Markets Weekly

Unbiased analysis of the past 4 weeks, current week and the next four weeks for all NGL purity products.

Development of tight oil and shale gas resources in the United States has brought a new era of natural gas liquids (NGL) utilization and commerce. These shifts have created new opportunities to increase profitability in short-term NGL trading. Yet, traders and analysts have difficulty finding transparent data, insights and analysis of real-time NGL market movements to support their daily transactions.

The US NGL Markets Weekly provides short-term analytics and forecasts combined with various data sets, market commentary, and insights all in one service (and connects to other S&P Global monthly product offerings).

US NGL Markets Weekly provides:

  • Analysis on each US NGL purity product market to inform your trading decisions
  • Weekly market call for U.S. propane inventory ahead of the weekly release of EIA's Weekly Petroleum Status Report
  • Early assessment of market events and implications to Mont Belvieu purity ethane, propane, and other NGL pricing
  • Market factors such as U.S. supply, production costs, margins, and NGL purity product end-uses domestically and internationally and implications
  • An understanding of each US NGL market from a short-term perspective
  • Informative medium-term outlook and trends to watch for the big picture
  • Direct access to our experts continuously monitoring and forecasting and in dialogue with market participants
  • Fufillment of gaps in historical lagging EIA data by US NGL purity product with credible current projects on a weekly basis
  • Incorporation of OPIS by S&P Global daily price data along with our ability to cover and forecast the time/content continuum in the US of each NGL purity product.

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