APPEC 2022 will be held physically in Singapore on September 26-28th!

APPEC 2021 featured more than 120 leading industry speakers sharing their insights and knowledge over more than 75 sessions, equating to more than 40 hours of content!

APPEC 2022 will continue to bring you the best-in-class content delivered by the most-sought after speakers! Including new sessions this year from our S&P Global Petrochemicals experts and industry leaders - with a focus on Energy Transition, Plastics Circularity - and exclusive Training opportunities including ESG for the Energy sector.

Meet, network, and hear first-hand from key industry powerhouses and market leaders from all around the globe as we evaluate the industry’s most critical issues and assess future growth opportunities – all this and more at the core of Asia’s most important meeting place for the global oil and related industries.

2022 theme highlights:
- Industry-leading keynotes
- Geopolitics and macro-economic overview
- Crude oil analytics
- Deep into refining including feedstock forecasts, case studies, assessing potential margins and more
- Petrochemicals including crude-to-chemical complex discussions, aromatics, olefins and recycling
- Carbon considerations
- Explanations on energy transition and the drive to net-zero

And so much more!

Complement your conference pass with training courses available on September 29 at $1245 each. Find out more here.

We look forward to seeing you in September.

Watch Dave Ernsberger's recap of APPEC 2021 below:






Content rich
conference days




Hours of


Download the agendas for APPEC 2023

  • APPEC Strategic Conference (September 4-6)
  • Chemical Conference (September 5)
  • Shipping & Bunker Conference (September 6)
September 4: APPEC Day 1 - Strategic Conference
    • 8:30 am APPEC registration and welcome refreshments
    • 9:20 am Conference opening remarks Ching Ong, Vice President, APAC Commercial, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • Session one: APPEC keynotes led by Dave Ernsberger, Head of Market Reporting & Trading Solutions
      • 9:30 am Welcome address Saugata Saha, President, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 9:45 am Welcome special address Low Yen Ling, Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade & Industry, Republic of Singapore
      • 10:00 am Fireside chat: What lies ahead for the energy industry?
        Interviewee: Russel Hardy, CEO, Vitol
        Interviewer: Dave Ernsberger, Head of Market Reporting & Trading Solutions, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 10:20 am Fireside chat Navigating energy transition in a volatile environment
        Interviewee: Felipe Bayon, CEO, Ecopetrol
        Interviewer: Dave Ernsberger, Head of Market Reporting & Trading Solutions, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • 10:40 am Mid-morning refreshment break
    • Session two: Macro-economic considerations for Energy led by Lyn Tattum, Conferences and Events Lead
      • 11:10 am Economic and energy outlook
        Atul Arya, Chief Energy Strategist, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        Paul Gruenwald, Global Chief Economist, S&P Global Ratings
        Moderator: Lyn Tattum, Conferences and Events Lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 11:40 am Seizing opportunities – where will the market head next?
        Panelists: Gary Ross, Chief Executive Officer, Black Gold Investors
        Pomila Jaspal, Director (Finance), Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC)
        Moderator: Lyn Tattum, Conferences and Events Lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 12:10 pm Friend or foe? How to thrive in a polarized global economy – navigating sanctions, disruptions, and ambitions
        Panelists: Dr Fereidun Fesharaki, Founder and Chairman, FGE
        Triharyo Soesilo, Special Advisor to Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources, Republic of Indonesia
        Giovanni Serio, Global Head of Research, Vitol
        Catherine Wolfram, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Economic Policy, United States Treasury
        Moderator: Lyn Tattum, Conferences and Events Lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 1:00 pm APPEC networking lunch
    • 00:00 am A
    • 9:20 am Conference opening remarks Ong ChongChing, Vice President, APAC Commercial S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • Session three: Energy transition: The race to net-zero led by Atul Arya, Chief Energy Strategist
      • 2:00 pm Who should lead the charge to become greener? Where does responsibility to accelerate sustainability lie?
        Panelists: Fadli Rahman, Director of Strategic Planning & Business Development, Pertamina Power Indonesia – Subholding Power & NRE
        Charlotte Wolff-Bye, Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer, PETRONAS
        Moderator: Atul Arya, Chief Energy Strategist, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 2:40 pm What strategies have energy majors employed and what is the project success for the various methods?
        Nick Sharma, Executive Director, Upstream Solutions, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 3:10 pm Balancing energy security and energy transition
        Panelists: Robert Johnson, Head of Oil & Gas and Petrochemicals, MUFG
        Galid Lahdahda, Managing Director, Head of Downstream & Chemicals, Oil & Gas and Chemicals, Standard Chartered Bank
        Moderator: Atul Arya, Chief Energy Strategist, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 3:55 pm Mid-afternoon refreshment break
    • Session four: Carbon considerations led by Vera Blei, Head of Established Benchmarks
        • 4:25 pm Fireside chat: The rise of Asia's carbon trading hubs
          Interviewer: Vera Blei, Head of Established Benchmarks, S&P Global Commodity Insights
          Interviewee: Rene Velasquez, Head of Global Carbon Markets, CBL
        • 4:40 pm Trading discussion including interactive polling: Understanding carbon
          Panelists: Feng Chang, Global Sustainable Finance Group, Bank of America
          Rushan Pandya, Head of Carbon Asia Pacific, Trafigura
          Anna Ozga, Head of Corporate Solutions and Research APAC, Viridios Capital
          Moderator: Vera Blei, Head of Established Benchmarks, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        • 5:20 pm Dissecting day one with our Chairs
          Atul Arya, Chief Energy Strategist, S&P Global Commodity Insights
          Vera Blei, Head of Established Benchmarks, S&P Global Commodity Insights
          Dave Ernsberger, Head of Market Reporting & Trading Solutions, S&P Global Commodity Insights
          Lyn Tattum, Conferences and Events Lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        • 5:30 pm APPEC networking reception

September 27 - APPEC day 2 agenda
    • Two different rooms with diverse topics for you to select from
    • 8:00 am APPEC registration and welcome refreshments
    • 8:50 am Day 2 Symposium stage opening remarks Jenny Yang, Senior Director, Greater China Gas Research and Analysis, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • Symposium stage
    • Session five: New world of oil led by Jim Burkhard, Vice President, Research
      • 9:00 am The future of OPEC+ and supply management?
        Panelists: Amit Bilolikar, Deputy General Manager (Crude Trading Desk), Bharat Petroleum
        Alex Grant, Senior Vice President for Crude, Products and Liquids, Equinor
        Michael Spitzbart, Senior Vice President for Supply & Trading, OMV Downstream GmbH
        Moderator: Jim Burkhard, Vice President, Research, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 9:45 am Interactive polling: What can we learn from market sentiment? Surabhi Sahu, Senior Editor, LNG, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 10:00 am Does the world oil market exist anymore, as we’ve known it
        Panelists: Simon James, Vice President Crude Trading and Refinery, Equinor
        Yoki Firnandi, Director of Feedstock & Product Optimization, Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI)
        Vivek Tongaonkar, Chief Corporate Finance, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC)
        Saad Rahim, Chief Economist, Trafigura
        Moderator: Jim Burkhard, Vice President, Research, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 10:45 am Mid-morning refreshment break
      • 11:15 am Audience symposium: The oil sentinel Mriganka Jaipuriyar, Head of News, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 11:30 am Spotlight: Transitioning to a low carbon crude future
        Deb Ryan, Head of Low Carbon Commodities, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        Paula Vanlaningham, Head of Established Bench Head of Carbon, Energy Transitionmarks, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        Vandana Hari, Founder and CEO, Vanda Insights
      • 12:15 pm APPEC networking lunch
    • Session six: Removing roadblocks in refining, understanding future potential led by Kurt Barrow, Oil Markets, Refining & LPG/NGLs Lead
      • 1:15 pm Refining outlooks and projected pricing
        Kurt Barrow, Oil Markets, Refining & LPG/NGLs Lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 1:45 pm Petrochemical feedstock optimization, a way to maximise refining profitability?
        Panelists: Keith Couch, Senior Director, Business Development & Integrated Projects, Honeywell UOP
        Manu Sehgal, Vice President – Strategy & Feedstock Supply Group, HPCL – Mittal Energy Limited
        Moderator: Premasish Das, Research and Analysis Executive Director, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 2:25 pm Fire-side chat: A deep-dive into transportation demand
        Interviewer: Kurt Barrow, Oil Markets, Refining & LPG/NGLs Lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        Interviewee: Marco Schiavetti, Chief Commercial Officer, Saras Trading
      • 3:00 pm Mid-afternoon refreshment break
      • 3:30 pm SAF and the future of aviation fuel demand
        Panelists: Sami Jauhiainen, Vice President APAC, Renewable Aviation, Neste
        Jan Toschka, President, Shell Aviation,
        Moderator: Daniel Evans, Vice President, Global Refining and Marketing Research, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 4:15 pm Dissecting day two with our Chairs
        Kurt Barrow, Oil Markets, Refining & LPG/NGLs Lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        Jim Burkhard, Vice President, Research, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • Two
    • 00:00 am A
    • 8:50 am Day 2 Singapore stage opening remarks Vanessa Ronsisvalle, Editorial Director – Petrochemicals Asia, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • Singapore stage
    • Reimagining the chemical complex led by Mark Eramo, Head of Fuels, Chemicals & Resources Solutions
          • 9:00 am Carbon management, green technology and the state of the industry
            Mark Eramo, Head of Fuels, Chemicals & Resources Solutions, S&P Global Commodity Insights
          • 9:30 am Deep-dive: Developments in lowering the carbon footprint in the chemical industry / of crackers: Electrification, chemiccg, CCS
            Interviewer: Mark Eramo, Head of Fuels, Chemicals & Resources Solutions, S&P Global Commodity Insights
            Interviewee: Joonas Rauramo, CEO, Coolbrook
          • 10:00 am Outlook for crude to chemicals refineries and analysis on the potential opportunities and challenges of cracker integration
            Manu Sehgal, Vice President – Strategy & Feedstock Supply Group, HPCL – Mittal Energy Limited
            Rajesh Rawat, Senior Vice President, Head – Cracker Business, Reliance
            Mark Eramo, Head of Fuels, Chemicals & Resources Solutions, S&P Global Commodity Insights
          • 10:45 am Mid-morning refreshment break
        • Feedstocks led by Premasish Das, Research and Analysis Executive Director
            • 11:15 am Petrochemical feedstocks supply: A challenging future
              Premasish Das, Research and Analysis Executive Director, S&P Global Commodity Insights
            • 11:45 am The role of refining and technology for the future feedstocks
              Keith Couch, Senior Director, Business Development & Integrated Projects, Honeywell UOP
            • 12:15 pm APPEC networking lunch
          • Advancing aromatics led by Vanessa Ronsisvalle, Editorial Director – Petrochemicals Asia
              • 1:15 pm Analysis: Aromatics outlook
                Samar Niazi, Managing Editor Aromatics, S&P Global Commodity Insights
              • 1:35 pm Changing world of aromatics in Indonesia
                Erwin Widiarta, Acting CEO, Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama
              • 2:00 pm Assessing structural drivers: The up and downstream plus China’s emergence from external shocks
                Panelists: Mathew George, General Manager (Corporate Planning & Economic Studies), Indian Oil
                Sok Peng Chua, Lead Analyst – Petrochemicals, Refinitiv
                William Prajogo, Product Manager, SGX
                Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, General Manager – Petrochemicals Trading, TotalEnergies
                Moderator: Vanessa Ronsisvalle, Editorial Director – Petrochemicals Asia, S&P Global Commodity Insights
              • 2:45 pm Mid-afternoon refreshment break
            • Olefins: Opportunities and challenges led by Tony Potter, Chemicals, Derivatives, Plastics & Materials Lead
                • 3:15 pm State of the global olefins industry
                  Larry Tan, Chemicals Insight, APAC lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights
                • 3:45 pm Recycled plastics: Encouraging sustainability and advancing the circular economy
                  Anton Wolfsberger, Vice President Global Marketing and Circular Economy, Borouge
                  Larry Tan, Chemicals Insight, APAC Lead, S&P Global Commodities Insights
                  Interviewer: Tony Potter, Chemicals, Derivatives, Plastics & Materials Lead, S&P Global Commodities Insights
                • 4:15 pm Dissecting day two with our Chairs
                  Premasish Das, Research and Analysis Executive Director, S&P Global Commodity Insights
                  Mark Eramo, Head of Fuels, Chemicals & Resources Solutions, S&P Global Commodity Insights
                  Tony Potter, Chemicals, Derivatives, Plastics & Materials Lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights
                  Vanessa Ronsisvalle, Editorial Director – Petrochemicals Asia, S&P Global Commodity Insights
September 28 - APPEC day 3 agenda
    • 8:00 am APPEC registration and welcome refreshments
    • 8:55 am Day 3 opening remarks Mriganka Jaipuriyar, Head of News, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • Session seven: Refinery case studies: East to West led by Kang Wu, Head of Global Demand and Asia Analytics
      • 9:00 am China spotlight
        Panelists: Wu Qiunan, Chief Economist, PetroChina International
        Xin Sun, Director, Shenghong Petrochemical International
        Chen Hongbing, Deputy General Manager, Rongsheng Petrochemical
        Moderator: Garrie Li, Business Development Executive Director, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 10:00 am Asian refiners in uncertain markets: Ways to survive and thrive
        Panelists: Kadek Ambara Jaya, Director of Infrastructure Projects, Pertamina Refinery
        Sri Paravaikkarasu, Director, Market Analysis, Phillips 66
        JY Lim, Advisor, Asia Oil Market Analytics, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        Moderator: Kang Wu, Head of Global Demand and Asia Analytics, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 10:55 am Mid-morning refreshment break
      • 11:25 am India spotlight
        Panelists: Pravin Shirke, Assistant General Manager – Oil Trading, HPCL-Mittal Energy Limited
        Shreyans Baird, Analyst, South Asia Oil Markets, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        Moderator: Ravi Narayanaswamy, Vice President, Industry Executive Advisor, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 11:55 am Refinery risk and hedging strategies
        Panelists: Ashutosh Deshpande, Senior Vice President and Head of Price Risk Assessment, Essar UK
        Andreas Schwingshackl, Senior Vice President/Head of BU: Refining Business MEA, OMV Downstream
        Moderator: Kang Wu, Head of Global Demand and Asia Analytics, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 12:40 pm APPEC networking lunch
    • 00:00 am A
    • 9:20 am Conference opening remarks Ong ChongChing, Vice President, APAC Commercial S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • Session eight: Shipping: Securing smooth sailing led by Rahul Kapoor, Vice President, Global Head of Commodity Analytics & Research, Maritime & Trade
      • 1:40 pm Fuel of the Future, Shipping’s Decarbonization Journey
        Panelists: Rakhi Rastogi, Global Shipping and Energy Analytics Lead, Cargill
        Dr Sanjay C Kuttan, Chief Technology Officer, Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonization
        Rasmus Bach Nielsen, Global Head of Fuel Decarbonization, Trafigura
        Moderator: Rahul Kapoor, Vice President, Global Head of Commodity Analytics & Research, Maritime & Trade, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 2:25 pm Energy transition for shipping: CII and EEXI
        Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General and Head of Technical & Regulation departments, BIMCO
      • 2:55 pm Mid-afternoon refreshment break
      • 3:25 pm How is Dry bulk and Tanker Shipping preparing for the looming decarbonization challenge
        Panelists: John Baptist, Global Director, VLCC/PCS, AET
        Anoop Singh, Head of Tanker Research, Braemar
        Su Yin Anand, Head of Shipping, South32
        Rahul Kapoor, Vice President, Global Head of Commodity Analytics & Research, Maritime & Trade, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        Moderator: Pradeep Rajan, Senior Managing Editor, Shipping, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 4:10 pm Dissecting APPEC with our Chairs
        Rahul Kapoor, Vice President, Global Head of Commodity Analytics & Research, Maritime & Trade, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        Garrie Li, Vice President, Industry Executive Advisory, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        Ravi Narayanaswamy, Vice President, Industry Executive Advisor, S&P Global Commodity Insights
        Kang Wu, Head of Global Demand and Asia Analytics, S&P Global Commodity Insights
      • 4:20pm End of APPEC 2022 – see you next year!
Agenda subject to change.



Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg John Baptist
Global Director, VLCC/PCS, AET

John Baptist assumed his position as Global Director of VLCC/Product Chemical Shipping (PCS) in AET in March 2021.

He began his corporate career with AET in 2003 as Vice President of Insurance and Risk Management, having previously sailed with AET for more than 15 years. He has since served as Vice President of Commercial Operations of Europe, Global Director of Asset Management and Commercial Projects, Global Director of Shipmanagement, Chief Operating Officer of Eaglestar, and Global Director of VLCC and DPST before assuming his current position. John has contributed to AET by breaking into new territories, including DPST and marine well containment operations.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Feng Chang
Global Sustainable Finance Group, Bank of America

Feng Chang is a Managing Director, head of APAC Sustainable Finance Advisory at Bank of America. She is based in Hong Kong.

In this role, she primarily focuses on providing customized client decarbonization solutions by leveraging bank’s Net-Zero framework. She brings the bank’s holistic sustainable financing capabilities to help clients in their low carbon transition. She drives and expands opportunities across social sectors as part of bank’s inclusive Development efforts by partnering closely with multilateral development bank and other international alliances. The team in the region also leads Asset financing in renewable energy sectors and innovates to develop new capital solutions in other low carbon emerging technologies including Carbon Capture, Hydrogen, Sustainable Aviation Fuels, Wasteto-Energy, Water Infrastructure and Sustainable Agriculture etc.

Amit Bilolikar
Deputy General Manager (Crude Trading Desk), Bharat Petroleum

Amit Bilolikar is currently working as Deputy General Manager (Crude Oil Trading Desk), heading the crude oil trading team of BPCL. The team is responsible for procurement of crude oils for BPCL refineries with a total volume of around 800 kb/d through term as well as spot.

He worked as a crude oil trader, commodities derivatives trader handling the risk management and hedging activities of BPCL. Closely associated and dealing with crude oil markets across various geographies in the world for fulfilling the crude oil requirements of BPCL refineries.

Before working in International Trade, have worked in Mumbai refinery and marketing set-up handling retail business of BPCL domestically.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Lars Robert Pedersen
Deputy Secretary General and Head of Technical & Regulation departments, BIMCO

Deputy Secretary General Lars Robert Pedersen is responsible for BIMCO’s technical and operational activities involving all technical and nautical issues within the area of marine environment, ship safety and maritime security. Lars Robert is furthermore responsible BIMCO’s activity related to regulatory developments relevant for shipping at international, regional and national levels.

In the past decade he has served on IMO expert groups on market-based measures and on the steering group for the IMO 2020 fuel oil availability study. Lars Robert has also chaired the Motorship Propulsion & Emissions Conference for the past 6 years.

He joined BIMCO in early 2010 after a long career at A.P. Moller-Maersk (APMM). For more than 25 years he was involved in regulatory affairs at IMO level, technical management of the Maersk fleet of container ships and prior to that as seagoing engineer officer. Lars Robert holds an unlimited Chief Engineers license.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Gary Ross
Chief Executive Officer, Black Gold Investors

Founder of PIRA, an international energy consulting firm retained by some 550 companies/governments in more than sixty countries around the world which was formed in 1976 and acquired by S&P Global in 2016. Dr. Ross spent roughly two years at S&P Global Platts as Head of Global Oil Analytics and Chief Energy Economist and is currently the CEO of Black Gold Investors LLC, a family investment company.

Dr. Ross is a leading authority on worldwide energy markets. He led PIRA from its inception, building it into one of the most important firms in energy market analysis. He was responsible for short- and long-term oil market forecasts, overseeing all of the group’s published research. He is renowned for his accurate projections of major oil market price moves. He advised many governments on energy markets and energy policy issues, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Anton Wolfsberger
Vice President Global Marketing and Circular Economy, Borouge

Anton Wolfsberger is the Vice President, Global Marketing, Packaging & Circular Economy based in Singapore. He is responsible for developing and commercialising new solutions for Borouge’s packaging business, defining and implementing a long-term strategy and developing strategic partnerships across the value chain. He is also the key strategic driver of Borouge’s overall circular economy ambition.

Anton brings with him lifelong experience in various technical and commercial roles across the following product portfolios – Flexible and Rigid Packaging, Fibres, Coating, Energy and Communication cables, Capacitors, Pipe Infrastructure, Healthcare and the Foam industry. In Anton’s most recent role as Director for Strategic Polyolefin projects in Borealis, his core responsibility was as a leading contributor to the development of Borealis’ corporate strategy, as well as initiator and business interface for a number of Merger & Acquisition, Cooperation opportunities and Strategy projects.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Anoop Singh
Head of Tanker Research, Braemar

Anoop Singh is the head of tanker research for Braemar ACM Shipbroking. Braemar ACK research is a market-leading provider of business intelligence to the shipping and ship finance industries.

Anoop joined Braemar ACM in 2016 and is based in Singapore. He is responsible for global tanker modelling, forecasting and bespoke research and consultancy work. He is regular presenter at industry conferences, focusing particularly on developments in the oil and tanker sectors. Prior to joining Braemar ACM, Anoop headed the strategy development and performance management team for AET.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Rakhi Rastogi
Global Shipping and Energy Analytics Lead, Cargill

Rakhi Rastogi serves as the global head of market research and analysis for Cargill’s Ocean transportation business and Energy activities, based in Singapore.

Rakhi started her career with Cargill as a credit risk analyst in Geneva, Switzerland and later became a global commodity analyst in ferrous markets, moving to Singapore to set up the analytics function for Cargill’s Metals business. She moved in 2017 to lead analytics for Cargill Ocean transportation in APAC and then globally. Last year, she was given the additional portfolio on energy analytics.

Her work experience outside Cargill includes her role as analysis manager at BHP and multiple roles in the Indian banking sector.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Rene Velasquez
Head of Global Carbon Markets, CBL

Rene began his career in environmental markets back in 2008, starting in advisory and intermediary roles. He has advised clients throughout on the development and implementation of net zero strategies at Climate Friendly and First Climate, before joining CBL in 2015 where, as Head of Global Carbon, he has overseen the exchange’s growth and helped establish CBL as the premier marketplace in the voluntary carbon market.

Since 2015, he has played an active role in helping to build capacity within the aviation sector, as the industry prepared to launch the first sectoral-based emissions trading system for international aviation—the Carbon Offset Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). He has advised multiple airlines within the context of the industry’s transition toward a more sustainable future, specifically managing voluntary-emissions programs, and more recently, how to prepare for a compliance future under CORSIA. Rene also leads the CBL team that delivers the operational solutions to IATA’s Aviation Carbon Exchange (ACE).

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Joonas Rauramo
CEO, Coolbrook

Joonas Rauramo is CEO of the transformational technology company Coolbrook, which is on a mission to de-carbonise major industrial sectors such as petrochemicals and chemicals, iron and steel, and cement.

He is driving the transition of Coolbrook from an R&D focused organisation to a significant industrial actor building on its technology leadership and ecosystem of partnerships across technology companies, globally leading industrial producers, research institutions and public sector actors. In his previous role as Executive Vice President for strategy and industrial partnerships, Rauramo was responsible for corporate strategy, finance, and building up industrial and public sector relationships.

Prior to joining Coolbrook, Rauramo spent 15 years working on low carbon electricity production in one of Europe’s largest utility companies, Fortum. He held various managerial and executive positions in strategy, M&A and business line roles, including Head of Business Area in Wind Power.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Felipe Bayon
CEO, Ecopetrol

Felipe Bayón is CEO of Ecopetrol Group, Colombia's leading energy company, and one of the most important in the Americas. He has over 30 years of experience in the energy industry both internationally and in Colombia.

In his over six years at Ecopetrol, the last four and a half as CEO, he has led the company's transformation and energy transition processes, with a robust plan to diversify the business and decarbonize the operation through, among others, renewables, electrification, natural climate solutions, and hydrogen. All these underpinned by innovation and technology as catalyzers for sustainability, what Ecopetrol has called T-ESG (Technology, Environmental, Social and Governance). The transformation process led by Mr. Bayón, has allowed Ecopetrol to successfully address and overcome the complex global context resulting from the pandemic and the volatility in oil prices, achieving solid operational and financial performance, key to strengthen Ecopetrol as the company faces the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition.

Ashutosh Deshpande
Senior Vice President and Head of Price Risk Assessment, Essar UK

Ashutosh Deshpande works at Essar as Vice President and is responsible for managing commodity risks for Essar’s Stanlow refinery in the UK. He has more than 22 years of experience in trading physical and paper energy markets covering traditional Crude Oil, Petroleum products, Freight, Coal, LNG, as well as, new age Petrochemicals, Biofuels, Renewable Transport Fuel Certificates and Carbon markets.

Prior to that, Ashutosh was with Nayara Energy for three years in the CEO’s office post company’s acquisition and previously with the company’s Integrated Supply & Trading Division, heading Commodity Price Risk, Coal, LNG and Market Analysis departments. Before that he was with Ernst & Young’s Risk and Business Solutions practice and Reliance Industry’s aromatics manufacturing, as well as Commodity Price Risk Management Groups.

Alex Grant
Senior Vice President Origination & Execution, Equinor

Alex Grant is the UK Country Manager and Senior Vice President leading Crude, Products & Liquids Trading at Equinor.

Alex joined Equinor from Jefferies in 2017 and until recently headed up Equinor's Business Development and Corporate M&A division. His background is in investment banking having worked on various M&A and financing transactions over the past 20 years, always focussing on the energy space.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Simon James
Vice President Crude Trading and Refinery, Equinor

Simon James, was born in 1972 in England. Simon holds a degree in Chemical and Bio-process Engineering from the University of Bath. Upon graduation Simon worked with BP in a variety of technical, professional and leadership roles, first in refining and then in the Supply and Trading organization before moving to Equinor at the end of 2008. Within Equinor Simon has stayed within Marketing and Trading, predominantly working towards the crude oil team, first as an originator then as the leader for the origination team. He moved to his current role of VP Crude Trading and Refining Optimisation in February 2018 where he is responsible for Equinor’s global crude trading.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Dr Fereidun Fesharaki
Founder and Chairman, FGE

Dr. Fereidun Fesharaki is the Founder and Chairman of FGE. His work is well recognized worldwide for pioneering oil and gas market analysis and studies of the Asia Pacific/Middle East energy markets since the early 1980s.

In 2002, appointed a Senior Associate of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. He received the Outstanding Contributions to the IAEE Award in 2012. He was a member of the Advisory Board of VOPAK LNG from 2013 to 2015. In 2014, appointed as Honorary Advisor by CNPC Research Institute of Economics and Technologies in Beijing. Dr. Fesharaki is the recipient of the 2016 Adelman-Frankel Award from the US Association for Energy Economics (USAEE) for his unique and innovative contribution to the field of energy economics. In March 2017, Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) appointed him as a Director of the Dubai Mercantile Exchange Limited (DME). Since 2009, he has been a member of the DME Board of Directors. Dr. Fesharaki has been appointed to the National Petroleum Council beginning in 2008 and re-appointed by the subsequent US Secretaries of Energy ever since.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Dr Sanjay C Kuttan
Chief Technology Officer, Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonization

Sanjay has held various positions in the private and public sector across his career. Prior to joining GCMD, he was the Executive Director of the Singapore Maritime Institute which is responsible for funding maritime research projects with industry and building local capabilities in the maritime sector, an appointment in 2018 after more than 2 years as a Programme Director/Senior Scientist at the Energy Research Institute at the Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N) managing the NRF funded Smart Multi Energy System project.

He is currently a council member of the Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (2011) and a member of MTI’s Pro-Enterprise Panel (2019). In 2020, he was also appointed to the Management Committee of Ecolabs, The Centre of Innovation for Energy, Advisory Board for Qi Square and District Councillor for the Central Singapore Community Development Council.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Keith Couch
Senior Director, Business Development & Integrated Projects, Honeywell UOP

Keith Couch is a Senior Director of Business Development and Integrated Projects within UOP’s Process Technologies business. The focus of the organization is to drive improved client value creation for projects ranging from single process units to fully integrated industrial mega-projects.

Since joining UOP in 1990, Keith has held numerous domestic and international positions across a broad range of manufacturing, technical and business management roles. Keith holds 31 patents and 20 industry publications. He has a strong background in both Refining and Petrochemicals and is driving UOP’s thought leadership for the Refinery of the Future.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Manu Sehgal
Vice President – Strategy & Feedstock Supply Group, HPCL – Mittal Energy Limited

Mr. Manu Sehgal heads the Strategy and Feed Stock Supply at HMEL with key responsibilities being Strategy, Planning and Scheduling, Crude and Feedstock procurement, Naphtha imports, Shipping and associated Commodity Risk Management activities. Initially (in 2008), he worked as Executive Assistant to MD&CEO aiding in setting up of the refinery and associated facilities, procurement, corporate policies and organizational matters.

Earlier he worked as Additional Director at PPAC, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas in issues of deregulation, refineries, crude pricing & allocation, pricing of petroleum products including transfer prices, subsidies & burden sharing, commercial matters, auto fuel policy, refinery tariff protection and infrastructure issues.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Pravin Shirke
Assistant General Manager – Oil Trading, HPCL-Mittal Energy Limited

He handles responsibility in the role of Head- Crude Oil and Products trading at HMEL (Refinery and Petrochemical company in India). He holds a B Tech degree in electrical engineering with further training in Marketing management at IIM Bangalore. An accomplished professional in area of international oil trading with 25+ years of industry experience. Prior to joining HMEL, he has worked at Reliance in their refinery, marketing and supply and trading departments.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Mathew George
General Manager (Corporate Planning & Economic Studies), Indian Oil

Mathew George is General Manager (Corporate Planning & Economic Studies) at Indian Oil Corporation in New Delhi. An Indian Oil veteran of 35 years, Mathew has held a number of key assignments at Indian Oil, including heading the polymer marketing group, petrochemical exports group besides heading the lubricants group at subsidiary company Lanka IOC in Colombo, and assignments spread across many locations in the lubricants and aviation departments. In the field of petrochemicals he has handled polymers, PX, PTA, benzene, LAB, glycols and butadiene business. A well-known supply chain and ERP/CRM expert and analyst, he also has core experience in ship chartering for chemicals and petroleum. Mathew has been a regular speaker at international conferences in the areas of petrochemical feedstocks, polymers, ERP, CRM, detergents and benzene. He has also been a guest faculty at the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, taking the course Business in a World Without Borders –Bridging the Cultural and Linguistic Divide.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Yoki Firnandi
Director of Feedstock & Product Optimization, Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI)

Yoki Firnandi served as Director of Feedstock & Product Optimization of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) as of June 13, 2020.

Previously, Yoki Firnandi held important positions at Pertamina including VP Supply & Export Operation Integrated Supply Chain PT Pertamina (Persero) (2019-2020), VP Commercial & Operation PT Pertamina International Shipping (2017-2019), Assistant Manager Shipping Marketing Directorate Marketing & Trading, PT Pertamina (Persero) (2010-2017).

In addition, Yoki Firnandi has participated in various leadership training programs such as the Great Business through Great People program in Jakarta and the PRIME III - Directorship Program in Jakarta.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Robert Johnson
Head of Oil & Gas and Petrochemicals, MUFG

Mr. Robert Johnson joined MUFG Bank in 2015 after having served over two decades in senior finance positions in the US and Asia.

In combining over 30 years of renewables, oil & gas industry and banking experience, he has closed more than USD 10bn in structured transactions, primarily in the renewable energy and oil & gas sectors. Further, he has led and closed over 30 transactions across Asia.

Landmark transactions led by Mr. Johnson include the Bangkok & Zenith Green Energy landfill gas to energy projects, the PT Indoethanol biogas to electricity project, the USD 1.85 bn Pertamina JTB gas development and processing project, the USD 16bn Petronas/S. Aramco Integrated Refinery Project, and the USD 6.5bn BP-Mitsubishi-CNOOC Tangguh LNG liquefaction project.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Sami Jauhiainen
Vice President APAC, Renewable Aviation, Neste

Sami leads Neste’s sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) business in the Asia Pacific region. His focus is on developing the market for SAF and building supply chains and partnerships to grow its availability in the region. Sami is also working together with public and private stakeholders in developing credible roadmaps for the decarbonization of aviation.

Sami has been with Neste since 2013, holding various leadership roles in strategy and business development. Before joining Neste, Sami worked in energy investment banking in London, advising customers in the global energy sector on mergers & acquisitions and capital markets transactions.

Sami is passionate about business opportunities serving the purpose of creating a healthier planet for our children.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Andreas Schwingshackl
Senior Vice President/Head of BU: Refining Business MEA, OMV Downstream

Andreas Schwingshackl is Senior Vice President/Head of BU: Refining Business MEA at OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH, since January 2022. He overlooks and steers OMV’s participation in ADNOC Refining, ADNOC Global Trading and PARCO.

Andreas has been working and holding various responsibilities within OMV Group since 1990. He is also Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ELG, Member of the Board of Directors AGT, and Member of the Supervisory Board of OMV E&P.

Michael Spitzbart
Senior Vice President for Supply & Trading, OMV Downstream GmbH

Michael Spitzbart is Senior Vice President for Supply & Trading at OMV Downstream GmbH.

He is responsible for leading all Supply & Trading related business for the oil commodities at OMV as well as for the management of the crude oil supply and the inventory levels of the OMV refineries.

Michael joined OMV in 2007 in the Corporate Strategy department after 6 years with Accenture in the strategy consulting practice. In his career at OMV he was so far Counselor to the CEO, Head of Business Development Refining & Petrochemicals and Vice President for Crude & Risk Management.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Pomila Jaspal
Director (Finance), Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC)

Ms. Pomila Jaspal is a Fellow Member and Gold Medalist of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India. She has obtained B.Com. (Hons) degree from MCM DAV College, Chandigarh and M.Com. from Punjab University.

She has 36 years’ experience across varied segments of oil & gas Industry encompassing operating, regulatory, and policy aspects of upstream and downstream industry. Prior to joining as Director (Finance)-ONGC, Ms. Jaspal was serving as Director (Finance) since October 2019 in Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL)- Schedule ‘A’ CPSE and subsidiary of ONGC. She was the First ever woman Functional Director on the Board of MRPL. She was instrumental in the merger of OMPL with MRPL, paving the way for synergy and integration benefits for the ONGC Group.

She is also a Director on the Board of Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), ONGC Tripura Power Company Limited (OTPC), Petronet Mangalore Hassan Bangalore Limited (PMHBL), ONGC Petro additions Limited(OPaL) and Mangalore SEZ Limited.

Vivek Tongaonkar
Chief Corporate Finance, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC)

Before being appointed as the Executive Director – Chief Corporate Finance, he held the position of CFO, ONGC, from April 2021 to December 2021. Prior to that he was the Executive Director – Chief Offshore Finance at Mumbai overseeing the finance functions of Mumbai Region which is ONGC’s biggest operational and revenue area.

Shri Tongaonkar has extensive experience in Accounts, Audit, Budget, Treasury & Investments, Capital Investments, Commercial & Marketing, Taxation, JV Finance and Strategy. He also heads the Investors Relation Cell.

Kadek Ambara Jaya
Director of Infrastructure Projects, Pertamina Refinery

Kadek Ambara Jaya is Director of Infrastructure Projects, at PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional.

Professional with more than 30 years of experience in Refinery Operation & Project. Highly determined and risk-taking leader accustomed to working under pressure and in fast-paced project environments. Strong skills in Operation Optimization & Design Engineering with exposure on many Pertamina’s Project (EXOR-1 Balongan, Balongan Blue Sky Project, Revamp RCC Phase 1&2 Balongan, ROPP Balongan, RFCC Cilacap, Open Access Phase 1 Dumai, RDMP Cilacap, & GRR Tuban). After holding a variety of roles in Pertamina, most recently became Director of Infrastructure Project PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional in 2022.

Fadli Rahman
Director of Strategic Planning & Business Development, Pertamina Power Indonesia – Subholding Power & NRE

Dr. Fadli Rahman currently holds the position of Director of Strategic Planning & Business Development at Pertamina Sub-holding Power, New & Renewable Energy.

Prior to this role, Dr. Rahman took on a number of mandates at the Minister of State Owned Enterprises, with a important role of heading the decarbonization committee. His career spans stints at the parent company PT Pertamina, Asian Development Bank as well as Boston Consulting Group.

Dr Fadli completed his PHD at the Colorado School of Mines, with a Dissertation Title of The Economics of Subnational Carbon Policy Interaction and Integration.

Charlotte Wolff-Bye
Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer, PETRONAS

Charlotte Wolff-Bye took up the role of Chief Sustainability Officer at Malaysia’s national oil company Petronas in June 2021, where she is charged with turning the company’s Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050 aspiration into strategy and workable implementation plans delivering both decarbonization and social progress.

Previously Charlotte worked for the Norwegian energy company Equinor in the role of Vice President Sustainability. At Equinor she delivered the company’s first sustainability strategy that laid the foundation for the company’s low carbon focus. She was also the company’s representative on the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) and the World Bank’s Global Gas Flaring Reduction Initiative (GGFR).

She is the recipient of a leadership award by Devex for her contribution to international development. Currently, she serves on the bord of trustees of the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Wu Qiunan
Chief Economist, PetroChina International

Qiunan Wu is the Chief Economist at PetroChina International Co., Ltd, covering market analysis and strategy research. He is also the Deputy General Manager of PetroChina International (Singapore) Pte Ltd in Research and Information Technology.

He was the General Manager of PetroChina International (Middle East) Company Limited, in charge of developing and maintaining the business relation with producers in the region. Before this, he was working as Deputy General Manager with Saudi Petroleum Beijing Ltd, a subsidiary of Saudi Aramco in China. He has worked in China University of Petroleum, Beijing, as a Professor and Deputy Head in Faculty of Business Administration.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Sri Paravaikkarasu
Director, Market Analysis, Phillips 66

Sri Paravaikkarasu has over sixteen years of experience in the oil industry, covering various downstream aspects such as refining (operations, process optimization), short-term and long-term oil market fundamental analysis, crude and product trade flows, and consulting.

As Director, Market Analysis in P66 Singapore, she leads the Asia Pacific and Middle East oil research, supporting the trading group.

Prior to joining P66, at FGE, Sri was leading the flagship East of Suez oil (Asia Pacific + Middle East) service, which includes an array of short term, medium term, and long-term reports. In addition to the retainer service, she was heading the Asian downstream oil consulting practice. She led various projects that are not limited to crude oil evaluation, oil products price assessments, intermediate stream evaluations and market entry studies.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Sok Peng Chua
Lead Analyst – Petrochemicals, Refinitiv

Chua Sok Peng is the lead petrochemical analyst at Refinitiv Oil Research in Asia. She has been in the petrochemical price reporting industry since 2008 and had worked at Platts, The Petrochemical Standard and IHS Markit.

As associate director at IHS Markit, from 2016-2021. Sok Peng revamped the Asia aromatics spot price assessment methodology to align it with current market practices. With Refinitiv since 2022, Sok Peng leads the team in providing fundamental assessments of cargo flows and forward curves for petrochemicals and LPG.

Geographic Focus & Product Expertise: Asia

Petrochemicals (Aromatics & Olefins): LPG

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Rajesh Rawat
Senior Vice President, Head – Cracker Business, Reliance

With more than 28 years of experience in Petroleum Refinery and Petrochemical industry, Rajesh has been involved in various functions in Project Design Engineering & Execution, Operations and Acquisitions.

He has been with Reliance Industries for over 21 years initially at Jamnagar Refinery in its Fluidised Catalytic Cracker (FCC) Unit during the commissioning & operation stage. Subsequently he moved to Petrochemical Businesses in Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG) and is currently heading the (Olefins) Cracker Business. He also has brief exposure to upstream energy business and execution of Merger and Acquisition deals in Oil & Gas and Mining Business in Latin America.

Cracker Business involves feedstock and plant optimisation across Crackers in Reliance - Naphtha, Gas & now Refinery Offgas Crackers and integrating its operation with upstream Refinery & Gas and downstream Petrochemical business.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Triharyo Soesilo
Special Advisor to Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources, Republic of Indonesia

Triharyo Soesilo is Special Advisor to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of acceleration of Infrastructure and Investment for the Republic of Indonesia, providing advice to Minister of Energy and Mineral resources for the acceleration and implementation for an estimated US$160 billion investment at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Expertise in building industrial plants in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Experienced in Project development and implementation of Fertilizer plants, Petrochemical plants, Power plants, Oil & Gas facilities, and Refineries.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Low Yen Ling
Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade & Industry, Republic of Singapore

Ms Low Yen Ling was elected as a Member of Parliament for Chua Chu Kang GRC in the 2011, 2015 and 2020 General Elections. She is presently the Minister of State for the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY). Prior to that, she was the Senior Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Education (MOE) from 2015 till July 2020 and the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) from 2018 till July 2020. She had also previously held office in the Ministry of Social and Family Development (2013-2015), MCCY (2014-2015) and MTI (2015-2018).

She also serves on the multi-agency national SG Clean taskforce to uphold high standards of public and personal hygiene beyond Covid-19.

With a heart for the underprivileged, Ms Low continues to serve as a board member of the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) where she steers its Student and Parent Education Committee to expand the organization’s reach and support to low-income students and families.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Chen Hongbing
Deputy General Manager, Rongsheng Petrochemical (S) Pte Ltd

Chen Hongbing, deputy general manager of Rongsheng Petrochemical (S) Pte Ltd.

He has held various senior positions in oil trading in Sinochem and ChinaOil (Petrochina Internation). Before Rongsheng, he was an associate director with Macquarie and has acquired more than 20 years of experiences in oil industry.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Marco Schiavetti
Chief Commercial Officer, Saras Trading

Marco Schiavetti was appointed Chief Commercial Officer of Saras in 2018. He was appointed Saras Trading SA CEO in 2015.

He joined the Saras Group in 1993 after a brief experience in Olivetti S.p.A., playing increasing roles over the years in the trading and financial field. Until 2003 he held the position of Corporate Finance Manager and in 2006 he was Investor Relations Manager.

From 2008 to 2016 he was Supply & Trading Director with responsibilities overarching the entire Supply Chain.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg William Prajogo
Product Manager, SGX

Over the last 15 years with SGX, William has overseen the development of several commodity derivative products in the petrochemical, freight and electricity markets. As a product manager, he is responsible for the end-to-end product development process, from market research, product design and listing, to industry education, driving the products’ adoption and sustained growth. He was also part of several digital platform projects, such as the online electricity procurement platform as well as the OTC trade registration system. William holds degrees in electrical engineering and business.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Jan Toschka
President, Shell Aviation, Shell

As President of Aviation for Shell, Jan is responsible for Shell's global aviation business, including operations, network, joint ventures and sales of fuels, lubricants and sustainable solutions. With one of the most extensive refueling networks in the world, Shell Aviation serves customers in more than 60 countries, while customers range from the world’s largest airlines, the military of defense to the private pilots.

Connecting the world and at the same time leading the decarbonization of the aviation industry and supporting customers to help achieve their sustainability ambitions is what excites him most. Pre-COVID Shell Aviation fueled a plane every 14 seconds and anticipate we will return to this frequency in line with market recovery.

During his time at Shell, he had been leading Wholesale, Retail, Trading, Marine and Aviation businesses across the globe. As a leader, I believe in empowering individuals to create trust and joint ownership of business’ purpose and goals.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Xin Sun
Director, Shenghong Petrochemical International

Coming soon

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Su Yin Anand
Head of Shipping, South 32

Coming soon

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Galid Lahdahda
Managing Director, Head of Downstream & Chemicals, Oil & Gas and Chemicals, Standard Chartered Bank

Galid Lahdahda is a Dutch national who has been living and working in Asia for over 10 years. He started his career 2 decades ago with ABN AMRO Bank where he was working with its large European Energy and Commodity clients. After moving to Singapore to join Standard Chartered Bank’s regional Oil & Gas Group, he has been specializing in providing financial services to companies that operate in the oil and gas and wider energy sector.

Currently Galid is globally responsible for the bank’s activities in the downstream market covering companies that operate refineries and (petro) chemical installations as well as energy distribution and energy infrastructure. In this role he provides M&A advice, structures and arranges project and acquisition financing, assists clients with capital market transactions and provides risk management solutions to the bank’s industry clients. He’s also closely involved in assisting the bank’s sector clients transition to a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Ganesh Gopalakrishnan
General Manager – Petrochemicals Trading, TotalEnergies

Ganesh Gopalakrishnan is the Global Head for Petrochemicals Trading for TotalEnergies and oversees teams in Singapore, Shanghai, Geneva and Houston. He started as a Technical service Engineer in Singapore and after multiple roles, moved to the USA to manage Styrene and Aromatics businesses for the Americas. He later moved to Hong Kong to start up the Petrochemical marketing and trading activity for Asia in 2012. He has been with the company for 25 years and is now based in Singapore, managing the global trading activities and price risk management for Petrochemicals.

Rasmus Bach Nielsen
Global Head of Fuel Decarbonization, Trafigura

Rasmus Bach Nielsen joined Trafigura in August 2014 as Global Head of Wet Freight. During his six years in this role, he helped transform the wet freight book into one of the leading global players in the market and oversaw more than USD3 billion of successful asset transactions between 2017-2019.

In August 2020, Rasmus took up the newly established role of Global Head of Fuel Decarbonization with the objective of reducing the Group’s shipping emission footprint. Working closely with Trafigura’s Power and Renewables team, Rasmus also focuses on project origination around green fuels and their possible off-takes and serves as a Non-Executive Director for bunkering joint venture TFG Marine and as a board member of H2 Energy Esbjerg (Denmark) and of Iverson-e-Fuels. Rasmus led the publication of Trafigura’s global IMO-led shipping decarbonization proposal in 2020. In 2021 he was ranked the 10th most influential person in shipping in the Lloyd’s List One Hundred People rankings.

Stephanie Idicula.png Rushan Pandya
Head of Carbon Asia Pacific, Trafigura

Rushan Pandya joined Trafigura in October 2021 as Head the Carbon Trading business in Asia Pacific, joining the Group’s newly established carbon trading desk. His role is to support the growth of Trafigura’s carbon trading activity across the region which includes a focus on day trading and arbitrage in global compliance and voluntary markets; working with developers of carbon projects to structure and finance new transactions or the expansion of existing projects; and offering services to clients looking to reduce the carbon footprint of their supply chains.

Prior to joining Trafigura, Rushan spent eight years at Shell where he most recently served as team leader of the structured gas trading business in Europe, and prior to this was the Head of Carbon Trading in Asia.

Saad Rahim
Chief Economist, Trafigura

Saad Rahim is the Chief Economist for Trafigura, a market leader in the global commodities industry. He is responsible for the company’s views on markets and macroeconomics, including the outlook for oil and metals markets, commodity prices, equity and credit markets, and political risk.

Before joining Trafigura he was Chief Economist at BG Group responsible for the Group’s views on oil, gas and LNG markets, advising senior management on markets, macroeconomics and global risk. Prior to this he was Deputy Chief Economist at Chevron Corporation responsible for the corporation's forecasts and analysis on macroeconomics, geopolitics and energy prices. He also focuses on global energy trends, including National Oil Companies, OPEC policy, carbon initiatives and consumer and producer country policies.

Headshot Silhouette - Woman_150x150.jpg Erwin Widiarta
Acting CEO, Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama

Mr Erwin Widiarta appointed as COO of TPPI since 2020. In absence of CEO, since beginning of 2021 up to now he also acting as CEO. He graduated from civil engineer from University of Indonesia on 1989 and Magister Management from University of Sriwijaya Palembang on 2014. Before joining the company he was Strategic Planning Manager on 2017-2020 and Project Engineering Manager on 2020 in Pertamina.

Headshot Silhouette - Woman_150x150.jpg Catherine Wolfram
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Economic Policy, United States Treasury

Catherine Wolfram is the Cora Jane Flood Professor of Business Administration at the Haas School of Business. Beginning in March 2021, she is on leave from UC Berkeley to serve as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Climate & Energy Economics in the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Prior to her leave, she served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Chair of the Faculty. She was also the Program Director of the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Environment and Energy Economics Program, and an affiliated faculty member in the Agriculture and Resource Economics department and the Energy and Resources Group at Berkeley.

Wolfram has published extensively on the economics of energy markets. Her work has analyzed rural electrification programs in the developing world, energy efficiency programs in the US, the effects of environmental regulation on energy markets and the impact of privatization and restructuring in the US and UK. She is currently implementing several randomized controlled trials to evaluate energy programs in the U.S., Ghana, and Kenya.

Headshot Silhouette - Woman_150x150.jpg Vandana Hari
Founder and CEO, Vanda Insights

Vandana Hari is Founder & CEO of Vanda Insights, a Singapore-based provider of global oil markets macro-analysis. She has 25 years of experience providing intelligence on the global energy markets to stakeholders in the petroleum industry, policy-makers, and wealth managers.

Before launching Vanda Insights in 2016, Vandana served in leadership positions at S&P Global Platts, a leading information agency for global energy, petrochemicals, metals and agricultural markets.

Headshot Silhouette - Woman_150x150.jpg Anna Ozga
Head of Corporate Solutions and Research APAC, Viridios Capital

Anna has more than 17 years experience in corporate finance, risk management and carbon strategy implementation in the finance and metal and mining sectors across Europe and Asia. Most recently she led the establishment of the Global Carbon Desk, servicing regulatory and voluntary demand for carbon offsets across BHP Commodities.

Headshot Silhouette - Woman_150x150.jpg Giovanni Serio
Global Head of Research, Vitol

Giovanni is Vitol’s Global Head of Research. He has 20 years of research, modelling and analysis experience.

Prior to joining Vitol in August 2016, Giovanni was Head of Market Analysis at Noble, at BP and senior analyst at Goldman Sachs.

Giovanni started his career as an economist at the Research Department of Italy’s Central Bank and then as a Consultant at the Development Economic Research Group of the World Bank.

Russel Hardy
CEO, Vitol

Russel Hardy is CEO of Vitol, a global energy company with revenues of $279 billion and an asset portfolio spanning power, oil and gas production, energy retail and distribution and renewables.

Russel has over 30 years’ experience within the energy industry, joining Vitol in 1993 from BP. He has held a number of trading and management roles in Singapore and London.

He has a MEng in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, London.



S&P Global Speakers

Atul Arya - 100.jpg Atul Arya
Chief Energy Strategist, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Atul Arya, Senior Vice President and Chief Energy Strategist, S&P Global, is responsible for integrating energy content, analysis, and insights across the entire energy value chain and for c-suite client engagements.

Dr. Arya’s areas of expertise include business strategy, commercial analysis, oil markets, energy technologies, climate change, and renewables. He has previously led Energy Insight, Research and Analysis and Energy Research teams at IHS Markit.

Dr. Arya has previously served on boards of several companies and institutions, including Tata BP Solar, Green Mountain Energy, and National Council for Atmospheric Research. He was a member of the World Economic Forum’s Agenda Council on the Future of Oil and Gas and Adjunct Senior Fellow at Council on Foreign Relations in the United States.

Ching Ong.jpg Ching Ong
Vice President, APAC Commercial, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Ching is Vice President of S&P Global Commodity Insights, a division of S&P Global and the leading independent provider of information, benchmark prices and analytics for the energy and commodities markets. She is responsible for all commercial activities in Asia Pacific (APAC) including sales and new business development strategies, global commercial relationships with APAC’s largest and most strategic customers, as well as business strategies in the region’s developed and emerging markets. Ching is a board member of S&P Global Asian Holdings and the Chair of the S&P Global Platts APAC leadership team.

For 2 years, Ching also supported The National Kidney Foundation in Singapore, where she led the implementation and growth of the corporate sponsorship department.

Daniel Evans
Vice President, Global Refining and Marketing Research, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Daniel Evans is S&P Global Vice President, leads the Global Refining and Marketing research. The team Daniel leads is responsible for global and regional short-term and long-term refined product supply, demand, price and margin outlooks, detailed downstream market research. Daniel’s team also delivers global base oil and lubricants, fuel retail and biofuels research.

Daniel has been involved in much of S&P Global’s work on the future of energy and mobility and lead studies focused on the future of trucking, aviation and shipping.

Prior to joining the firm, Daniel worked for Statoil in corporate strategy where he was responsible for analyzing global business opportunities and framing the strategic investment context for senior management.

Dave Ernsberger.png Dave Ernsberger
Head of Market Reporting & Trading Solutions, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Dave Ernsberger is Head of Market Reporting & Trading Solutions for S&P Global Commodity Insights. Based in London, Dave assumed overall responsibility for Platts Western hemisphere energy news and pricing across oil, generating fuels and petrochemicals in November 2016 and is a member of the Platts Executive Committee.

Prior to this role, Dave was Global Head of Oil Content for two years. Before relocating to London in 2010, Dave was Senior Editorial Director for Asia, managing Platts’ editorial and analytical groups in Singapore, Japan, Australia, the Philippines, and China.

Deb Ryan - 200x200.jpg Deb Ryan
Head of Low Carbon Commodities, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Deb Ryan is the Head of Low Carbon Commodities for S&P Global Commodity Insights, a division of S&P Global and the leading provider of information and benchmarks for the energy and commodities markets.

Based in Denver, Deb leads the Low Carbon Commodities team, which focuses on analytics that underpin carbon and methane emissions, as well as the market mechanisms for carbon and low carbon commodities.

Deb brings almost 20 years of upstream oil industry experience, having worked for as a Petroleum Engineer for both oil and gas operators, and in consulting.

Deb is a Professional Engineer in Colorado and Texas with a Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering and Masters degree in Petroleum Engineering, both from Curtin University in Australia, and an MBA from Penn State, US. Deb serves on the International Board of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and previously served as the Treasurer for the Women’s Energy Network Foundation.

Headshot Silhouette - Man_150x150.jpg Garrie Li
Vice President, Industry Executive Advisory, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Garrie Li, Vice President, Industry Executive Advisory Asia, has 39 years of experience in the chemical industry. He began his career with Dow Chemical in Hong Kong and held marketing and management positions in Hong Kong, Canada, Singapore, and Thailand, managing products including membranes, epoxy resins, cracker feedstocks, olefins, and aromatics.

After leaving Dow in 2004, he conducted a strategic study for Methanex Corporation in China. Garrie joined CMAI in Singapore in 2005, launched and led the Asia Light Olefins market advisory service, then transited into consulting and was appointed Managing Director of CMAI Asia. He joined BASF in Singapore 2007 and held management positions in Singapore and then Hong Kong, managing products such as steam cracker products, isocyanates, and polyamides in Asia Pacific. Garrie retired from BASF as Vice President, Polyamides & Precursors Asia Pacific in 2018, and joined IHS Markit, now part of S&P Global, in his current position in 2020.

Expert-Jenny-Yang-65x65.png Jenny Yang
Senior Director, Greater China Gas Research and Analysis, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Jenny Yang, Senior Director, S&P Global Commodity Insights, leads the practice on Greater China’s natural gas and low-carbon gases. Based in Singapore, Ms. Yang focuses on China’s gas and power market fundamentals and policy analysis. Her recent research includes China’s hydrogen policies and market development progress, energy market reforms, air pollution control and environmental policies and the implications on energy demand, LNG procurement strategies, and the impacts of Chinese energy policies and demand on the global market. She also has extensive knowledge of electricity load forecast, peak demand management, pricing and structuring of electricity products, power retail operations, and electricity market deregulation.

Prior to joining S&P Global, Ms. Yang was Vice President of Pricing, Products, and Markets at Constellation NewEnergy in Houston, Texas. Earlier she was a quantitative analyst at Williams Companies, where she produced forward-looking price and volatility curves for energy-related trading commodities.

Jim Burkhard SPCI.jpg Jim Burkhard
Vice President, Research, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Jim Burkhard, Vice President, Oil Markets, Energy & Mobility at S&P Global, is recognized as one of the world’s top analysts on global oil markets, scenarios, and on the future of energy and transportation. Jim has over 25 years of experience in energy market research and analysis. He is responsible for the development and coordination of S&P Global (previously IHS Markit) research, insights and messages for global and regional crude oil markets and scenarios. His expertise covers geopolitics, industry dynamics, global energy demand and supply, and mobility trends.

Jim has testified before the US Congress on energy issues and is frequently sought for comment by global media. He has served on two US National Petroleum Council (NPC) studies that provide policy recommendations to the US Secretary of Energy on oil and gas infrastructure.

JY Lim_resized.png JY Lim
Advisor, Asia Oil Market Analytics, S&P Global Commodity Insights

JY Lim is currently Advisor of Asia-Pacific Oil Markets at Platts Analytics, a part of S&P Global Commodity Insights in Singapore. Part of his role is to develop Platts Analytics’ outlook for Asian crude and product markets. This includes analysis of refining capacity and margins, regional product pricing and cracks, regional crude and product flows and inventories, as well as various topics impacting product demand. He joined PIRA before it was acquired by Platts. JY held positions with other energy consulting firms, including FGE and KBC, with a similar focus on Asian oil markets.

Kang Wu (resized).jpg Kang Wu
Head of Global Demand and Asia Analytics, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Currently based in Singapore, Kang is in the S&P Global Commodity Insights leadership team and leading a team of global macro, demand and Asia analysts.

Prior to that, he was a director and senior research fellow at King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in charge of a program for doing research on global oil, gas and coal markets with a particular focus on the Middle East and North Africa. Kang previously held vice chairman, managing director, senior fellow and senior advisor roles in energy research and consulting, covering a variety of issues related economic, energy and environmental developments in Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American and Pacific Island economies and including many years of work the East-West Center, an institution established by the US Congress, as well as three years at an international energy consultancy.

Kang has over 25 years of energy analytics, consulting, and research experience. He conducts studies of energy policies, security, demand, supply, and trade with special emphasis on oil, gas and other energy commodities.

Kurt Barrow.jpg Kurt Barrow
Oil Markets, Refining & LPG/NGLs Lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Mr. Barrow is responsible for Platts and IHS Markit’s research of crude oil, NGLs, refining, biofuels and petrochemical feedstocks. He also has responsible for joint mobility research offerings with S&P Mobility. Kurt oversees a global team of experts providing forecast views on market fundamentals and transition scenarios. He writes on a range of topics and supports executive and corporate boards with views on downstream markets and strategy and how to navigate the energy transition. Mr. Barrow began his career as a refining engineer at Exxon and was a partner at Purvin & Gertz. He holds a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from Kansas State University and an MBA from the University of Houston.

Tony Potter.jpg Larry Tan
Chemicals Insight, APAC lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Mr. Larry Tan heads S&P Chemicals Insight APAC Team. He is based in Singapore. Larry has been in the oil and petrochemical industry for over 38 years. His current role is to help downstream companies shape their strategic growth options in the chemicals sector through providing data, analytics and insights.

He past work has been in downstream refinery to chemicals like olefins and aromatics petrochemicals, polymers, and derivatives. He has extensive experience in the development and strategic review of business plans, competitor analysis, feedstock supply strategy, development of sales & marketing strategies, identification of new product opportunities, price forecast and strategies, technical and financial assessment of new ventures/ technologies, and bespoke commercial competency skills equipping training workshops. He is frequently invited to speak at both international and regional conferences.

Tom Stonier Photo.jpg Lyn Tattum
Conferences and Events Lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Lyn Tattum is Vice President, Head of Events, Training, and Media, at S&P Global Commodity Insights and Publisher of Chemical Week. During her career as Publisher of Chemical Week magazine and later as Vice President at IHS Markit, Lyn has launched and expedited chemical industry events globally.

Recently she launched The Chemical Leadership Circle to connect industry CEOs worldwide with critical information, providing an opportunity to network, raise awareness of key issues - including a need for greater diversity - and exchange ideas at a time of critical global change in economy, politics, society and business.

She has also worked at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Vienna. She was chair of the London-based African film festival, Africa at the Pictures.

Mark Eramo.jpg Mark Eramo
Head of Fuels, Chemicals & Resources Solutions, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Mark Eramo currently leads the Fuels, Chemicals & Resource Solutions (FCRS) business line, one of five businesses that make up the newly formed S&P Global Commodity Insights division (formerly S&P Global Platts). In his current role, Mark has P&L responsibility for the FCRS business and manages a global team of nearly 500 research colleagues.

His team is located in more than 30 countries across all major regions and delivers information, insights, and forecasts regarding energy, refining, chemicals, agriculture, shipping, metals, and various related industries.

Prior to the merger closing, Mark served as Senior Vice President, Energy & Downstream Markets, as a member of the leadership team for the Energy & Natural Resources division of IHS Markit.

Mriganka Jaipuriyar (Resized).jpg Mriganka Jaipuriyar
Head of News, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Mriganka is the regional head of news for Asia, directing commodities news and analysis content across the region.

Mriganka joined S&P Global Platts in July 2002 as an oil news editor and reporter. She has done a variety of roles since then. These included running the Asia-Pacific pages of Oilgram News, Platts’ flagship oil news publication; assisting in the launch and management of LNG Daily; and assessing the Asian bunker. Prior to her current role, Mriganka was heading the Asia energy news team.

Tom Stonier Photo.jpg Nick Sharma
Executive Director, Upstream Solutions, S&P Global

Nick Sharma is Executive Director, Upstream Solutions at S&P Global Commodity Insights.

Nick brings close to 20 years of E&P and energy experience. His current mandate is to develop and lead the delivery of our latest regional and global upstream research to clients across the Asia Pacific region. Nick is an experienced leader in delivering the latest insights on traditional E&P (exploration/supply outlook, company strategy/performance, valuations/M&A, costs/supply chain, regulatory/fiscal analysis, government policy) and Energy Transition (government policy, scenarios, carbon-capture, company strategies, low-carbon technologies).

Prior to this mandate, Nick led S&P Global’s Asia Pacific advisory practice for 8 years, working with a range of clients (NOCs, IOCs, Independents, Service Companies, Financial Services, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Ministry, and Regulators).

Tom Stonier Photo.jpg Paul Gruenwald
Global Chief Economist, S&P Global Ratings

Paul Gruenwald is the Global Chief Economist at S&P Global Ratings based in New York. He leads the economic research agenda and serves as the primary spokesperson on macro-economic matters for the company.

Before joining S&P Global Ratings in 2013, Paul spent almost five years at the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) as the Asia Pacific Chief Economist, where he was responsible for helping set and direct ANZ’s Asian and global economic research agenda, as well as building the bank’s economic research efforts and profile in the region. Previously, Paul worked at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for nearly 16 years, where he led the team producing the IMF’s Asian regional outlook reports. He was also the IMF Resident Representative to Hong Kong and Korea, the Deputy Chief of the China Division, and did considerable work on both public (Paris Club) and private (London Club) debt restructuring issues.

Paula VanLaningham350px.jpg Paula Vanlaningham
Head of Carbon, Energy Transition, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Coming soon

Pradeep Rajan.jpg Pradeep Rajan
Senior Managing Editor, Shipping, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Pradeep Rajan leads the team of editors based in Singapore who are responsible for Platts coverage of the Asia Pacific shipping markets. He was the first tanker market editor to join the team, and was closely involved in the launch of the Dry Freight Wire – Platts’ first publication covering Capesize, Panamaz, Supramax, Handymax and Handysize segments.

Prior to joining Platts, Pradeep worked for Singapore’s national newspaper – The Straits Times – as a financial journalist at its Money Desk.

Premasish Das.jpg Premasish Das
Research and Analysis Executive Director, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Premasish Das leads S&P Global oil market downstream research activities for Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. He is responsible for the regional short-term and long-term crude oil and refined product supply, demand, price and margin outlooks, and detailed downstream market research. In addition, Mr. Das is leading the global and regional petrochemical feedstock research activities. Das is actively involved in consulting as well and advises clients on strategic studies, market studies, and commercial and technical assessments.

Before joining the firm, Mr. Das worked for ExxonMobil, Singapore, and NOCIL, India in various technical, commercial, and leadership assignments. The roles include refining/ petrochemical technical support, site-level utility and energy management, and regional market advisory. Mr. Das was responsible for analyzing business opportunities and developing and implementing strategies to improve business line profitability.

Rahul Kapoor SPCI (resized).jpg Rahul Kapoor
Vice President, Global Head of Commodity Analytics & Research, Maritime & Trade, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Rahul Kapoor, Vice President, Global Head of Commodity Analytics & Research, Maritime & Trade, S&P Global Commodity Insights. He leads an integrated commodity analytics product management, data science and research team. As a business head, he is responsible for driving new product growth for our analytics products Commodities at Sea and Freight Analytics.

A subject matter expert in the maritime industry and financial markets, Mr. Kapoor is a thought leader with proven credentials in market analysis forecasting, shipping economics, and commodity market developments.

Most recently, he was at Bloomberg Intelligence and earlier headed Drewry Financial Research Services Ltd. He has also worked as senior equities analyst at RS Platou Markets and Nomura.

Tom Stonier Photo.jpg Ravi Narayanaswamy
Vice President, Industry Executive Advisory, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Mr. Narayanaswamy is a Vice President responsible for Industry Executive relationship for the Fuels, Chemicals and Resources (FCRS) business unit covering Middle East, Indian Sub-Continent and Asia Pacific region.

He joined Purvin & Gertz in 2005, which was acquired by IHS Markit in 2011, and in turn acquired by S&P Global in 2022 and is based at their Singapore office. Mr. Narayanaswamy has more than 30 years of diverse oil industry experience spanning both refining and petrochemicals.

He previously had Lube basestock Operations and Process Engineering, Production Planning, Asia Pacific Petrochemical Feedstocks Economics and Optimization, and Manufacturing Advisor for Aromatic facilities globally with increasing responsibilities at ExxonMobil, Singapore where he worked for 11 years. Prior to that, he worked at Hindustan Petroleum at their Mumbai refinery, India.

Samar Niazi
Managing Editor Aromatics, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Samar Niazi is the Managing Editor for aromatics with the Asia Petrochemicals team, based out of Singapore for S&P Global Platts, a leader in commodities benchmarks worldwide. She leads a team that covers aromatics benchmark markets including paraxylene, benzene, mixed xylenes, etc. She was previously handling multiple agriculture markets in Asia. She has worked at a major commodities trading firm handling oil markets.

Saugata Saha.jpg Saugata Saha
President, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Saugata is the President of S&P Global Platts and a member of S&P Global’s Operating Committee.

In prior roles at the company, Saugata was the Chief Financial Officer of two of S&P Global’s technology-driven, data, benchmarks, and analytics divisions, S&P Global Market Intelligence and S&P Global Platts. Prior to that, Saugata led financial planning & analyses (FP&A) and corporate strategy for the company; managed operations for the technology group; led integration program for a large acquisition; and led the strategy team at S&P Global’s Ratings division.

Surabhi Sahu Platts (resized).jpg Shreyans Baird
Analyst, South Asia Oil Markets, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Shreyans Baid is an Analyst for South Asia Oil Markets in the S&P Global Commodity Insights Platts Analytics group. Based out of Gurgaon, Shreyans focusses on short term supply demand balances, trade flows, refining dynamics and macro fundamentals for South Asian Oil markets. Additionally, he prepares original research and insights that provide periodic analysis of critical market developments and trends in South Asia.

Shreyans has more than 9 years of experience in oil and gas domain. Before joining S&P Global in Sep 2021, Shreyans worked with the Product Trading team of Reliance Industries Limited in India.

Surabhi Sahu Platts (resized).jpg Surabhi Sahu
Senior Editor, LNG, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Coming soon

Tony Potter.jpg Tony Potter
Chemicals, Derivatives, Plastics & Materials Lead, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Coming soon

Vanessa Ronsisvalle (revised).jpg Vanessa Ronsisvalle
Editorial Director – Petrochemicals Asia, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Vanessa joined S&P Global Platts in 2004 working as an oil reporter in London moving to Singapore in 2012 joining the Platts’ Price Group as an oil and shipping methodology and operations specialist.

Vanessa moved to her role as Editorial Director, Petrochemicals Asia in November 2017. Prior to joining S&P Global Platts Vanessa was an oil broker, broking bunker fuel and jet fuel in Europe for 8 years.

Vera Blei.JPG Vera Blei
Head of Established Benchmarks, S&P Global Commodity Insights

As Global Director of Oil Markets, Vera is responsible for crude oil and refined product price assessments and oil market reporting around the world at S&P Global Commodity Insights. Prior to that, Vera was Content Director – Metals at Platts, responsible for ferrous and non-ferrous metals pricing and news globally.

Previously, Vera launched a real-time steel news and price assessment service and was named Steel Journalist of the Year 2016 by the World Steel Association. For over 20 years, Vera has worked in pricing, news, marketing and business development roles across a large portfolio of commodity markets (crude oil, refined products, gas, LNG, coal, power, emissions, ferrous and non-ferrous metals) for organizations including Platts, Gas Strategies an NYMEX.

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your strengths, raise your company profile, and maximize your ROI as we bring key industry players and decision-makers to you. At the S&P Global Commodity Insights APPEC 2022, each sponsor has the opportunity to showcase their products and services, and distinguish themselves from the competition. We offer a full range of opportunities and packages, and can even tailor solutions to suit your needs.

Contact us to start a conversation about your goals and how you can lead the pack as an event sponsor: Sheryl Tan, Commercial Partnerships Manager, at +65 6216 1191 or [email protected].


Super Early Bird Rate*
Register by May 13
Early Bird Rate*
Register by June 3
Standard Rate*
Register by September 21

*Rates are in USD and not inclusive of local taxes or VAT

* If you’re not able to attend, we’re happy to transfer your registration to a member of your organization at no cost, up to 3 business days in advance of the event. Requests must be received in writing via email to [email protected] on or before Wednesday, 21 September, 2022, and are subject to approval.

*If you're not able to attend or send a colleague in your place, we accept cancellations and provide refunds if received in writing to [email protected] at least 30 days before the event. All cancellations are subjected to a cancellation fee of USD $195.

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Event Venue
Raffles City Convention Centre L4, Singapore
80 Bras Basah Rd
Singapore 189560

* The event will be held as a purely in-person event without virtual access.

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For this event, we only accept payment by credit card.

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If you’re not able to attend, we’re happy to transfer your registration to a member of your organization at no cost, up to 3 business days in advance of the event. Requests must be received in writing via email to [email protected], and are subject to approval.

For assistance, you may also reach out by phone:
+65 6530 6430

What if I need to cancel my registration?

If you're not able to attend or send a colleague in your place, we accept cancellations and provide refunds if received in writing to [email protected] at least 30 days before the event. All cancellations are subjected to a cancellation fee of USD $195.

To transfer your registration to a member of your organization at no cost, send your request by email to [email protected] up to 3 business days in advance of the event. Requests are subject to approval.

For assistance, you may also reach out by phone:
+65 6530 6430

Are there sponsorship opportunities?

Yes, we offer a variety of standard and tailor-made sponsorship opportunities to fit your marketing and business-to-business needs—and your budget. Please reach out directly to the Business Development Manager for this event:

Sheryl Tan
Phone: +65 6216 1191
Email: [email protected]

Are there speaking opportunities?

Yes, we're always looking for the best voices in the industry to share their experience and perspective on opportunities, challenges, and trends. Please reach out directly to the Conference Producer to discuss availability and suitability:

Jade Tynan
Phone: +65 6530 6581
Email: [email protected]

Are press passes available?

Yes, we allow accredited media writing on behalf of major industry publications to cover the event at no charge. Please reach out to the contact below for press pass approval.

Loh Min Jia
Phone: +65 6597 6250 
Email: [email protected]

What are the event terms and conditions?

Click here to view the full event terms and conditions, then use the drop-down menu to select the Asia-Pacific Region event category.