
Chemical Economics Handbook (CEH) is a comprehensive market overview with a five-year outlook of key industry drivers, producers, applications, trade, prices, and supply/demand forecasts. Strategic analysis for over 300 chemical products and multiple value chains.

CEH will help you:

  • Forecast and plan for future demand
  • Understand the impact of competing materials
  • Find and evaluate potential business partners and competitors
  • Evaluate producers
  • Track changing prices and trade movements
  • Analyze the effects of feedstocks, regulations, and other factors on chemical profitability
  • Formulate your procurement strategy

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View Samples of the Chemical Economics Handbook


Leverage unique strategic analysis and insight.

S&P Global Specialty Chemicals Update Program (SCUP) (formerly SRI Consulting's Specialty Chemicals Update Program) provides detailed analysis of the global specialty chemicals industry. SCUP provides a strategic analysis of 38 specialty chemical businesses, including market drivers, key players, industry structure and dynamics, critical factors for success, and threats or opportunities.

The program is unrivaled in breadth, depth and quality of data covering critical factors for success, government regulations, industry structure, market participants, market size and growth rates, operating characteristics, prices, products and functions and trends and strategic issues. Find out why SCUP is the single source for unique insights into the global specialty chemicals industry.

SCUP includes:

  • S&P Global Specialty Chemicals Industry Overview, updated annually
  • Access to all current reports, available online or in hard copy
  • Ability to suggest topics for future reports
  • New or updated reports on specific specialty chemicals to be issued during the year
  • Inquiry and consulting privileges

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SCUP Product Brochure


Competitive Cost & Margin Analytics (CCMA) provides you with cost and margin product positions of 46 chemicals over 6,000 operating chemical plants according to geography, capacity, time, technology, feedstock, operating rate, and integration level.

CCMA will help you:

Evaluate the Long-Term Competitiveness of a Plant

  • Understand the impact of market fluctuations with a 10-year annual forecast
  • Leverage the crude adjuster model to identify exposure and define and alter price forecasts
  • Input estimated plants to grasp a competitive position relative to operating assets

Calculate the Impact of Market Changes on Cost and Margin Performance

  • Shift from annual to monthly curves to understand the impact of short-term change or plant shutdown
  • Alter oil/feedstock/product price to anticipate the effect of a volatile market
  • Compare multiple periods to understand the longevity of a market change and assess the impact of capacity additions

Inform Purchasing Strategies

  • Understanding your supplier's cost structure and competitiveness is critical to a rigorous procurement strategy
  • Leverage annual forecast curves to assess how the marginal cash cost will adjust over time
  • Understand the cost differential of an integrated vs. non-integrated plant
  • Customize price sets to grasp how your supplier's competitive position could shift

View More Information about Competitive Cost & Margin Analytics


Directory of Chemical Producers (formerly the SRI Consulting Directory of Chemical Producers) offers a focused view of more than 14,000 chemical firms that collectively produce 21,500 chemical products in over 90 countries.

DCP is the right choice for:

  • Identifying chemical manufacturers and plant locations globally
  • Profiling companies by chemicals produced and ownership
  • Determining which producers are integrated upstream for raw materials and downstream for derivatives
  • Analyzing what markets your competition operates in
  • Evaluating chemical production on a plant-by-plant basis
  • Understanding capacity for over 250 chemicals

View more information about DCP


Compare new chemical process technologies and economics faster and at less cost.

New chemical manufacturing technologies can pose an opportunity or a threat. Whether you are acquiring a new technology or responding to a rival, the ability to quickly compare technical designs and production costs is a competitive advantage.

Process Economics Program (PEP) Yearbook is the world’s largest online process economics database, with access to 2,000+ process technologies used to produce 600+ chemicals in 6 regions. The only source for new process analysis, PEP Reports and Reviews allow you to uncover the impact of changes in processes, feedstocks, energy prices, and government regulations on chemical and fuel production economics. In addition, with the iPEP Navigator, you can generate process economics tailored to your project needs.

Chemical, energy, engineering and investment firms use PEP to:

  • Reduce the time and cost it takes to collect and assess new technology information
  • Make investment and production decisions based on unbiased, expert assessments
  • Customize process economics data to specific project needs
  • Compare production costs and technical designs to optimize technology selection
  • Keep pace with technology, market and regulatory developments
  • Capitalize on market shifts and mitigate competitor threats

View more information about PEP

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