Achieving maritime vision: sailing towards sustainable fuels

We are excited to announce the upcoming 14th International FUJCON conference, hosted by S&P Global Commodity Insights along with the Government of Fujairah and Port of Fujairah, will take place on April 7th – 9th, 2025, under the Patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, Member of the UAE Supreme Council & Ruler of Fujairah and the support of the Fujairah Oil Industry Zone.

Building on the success of previous years, FUJCON 2025 promises to deliver another exceptional experience filled with thought-provoking discussions, expert insights, and unparalleled networking opportunities. Join us, as we gather to explore the latest trends, challenges, and innovations shaping the bunkering and fuel oil landscape in the Middle East and globally.

What to expect
  • - High-level keynotes from the public and private sector
  • - Engaging in panel discussions with C-level suites of industry leaders & shipping hubs
  • - Deep-dive presentations
  • - Unparallel networking opportunities

FUJCON 2025 themes include:
  • - Geopolitical and decarbonization influences on the shipping and bunker markets
  • - Fuel quality and environmental initiatives
  • - Market trends, pricing, and trading outlook
  • - Technological innovations: opportunities and challenges


Hosts & Organisers for FUJCON 2025
Hosted By:

Supported By:


April 7 - Supplementary pre-conference training course
    • 08:30 Registration for the supplementary training course
    • 09:00 Supplementary training course commencesAlternative Fuels for Maritime Decarbonization
      To find out more about the training course, please click here.
    • 10:30 Networking and refreshment break
    • 12:30 Networking lunch break
    • 15:00 Networking and refreshment break
    • 17:00 Supplementary training course ends
    • 17:30 Pre registration for FUJCON and welcome networking reception
April 8 - FUJCON - day 1 agenda
    • 08:30 Registration and networking breakfast
    • Official Opening: Ministerial and Keynote Addresses
    • 09:00 Co-chairs welcoming remarks
      Mohammed Majed Bin Al Aleeli, Director General, Fujairah Department of Industry & Economy
      Dave Ernsberger Co-President, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • 09:20 Welcome remarks
      H.E. Dr Mohammed Saeed Al Kindi, Chairman, FUJCON Steering Committee
    • 09:30 Ministerial address
      H.E. Saif Ghubash Almarri, Undersecretary Assistant for Petroleum, Gas & Mineral, UAE Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
    • 09:45 Dialogue: IMO - Supporting economic growth while managing environmental responsibility
      Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary General, International Maritime Organization
      Joel Hanley, Global Director, Crude & Fuel Oil Markets, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • 10:05 Keynote: The State of the Global Oil and Bunker Fuel Market
    • 10:25 Leader's panel: Navigating the Current and Future Bunker Fuel Market
      Constantinos Capetanakis, Bunker Director, Starbulk & Chair, IBIA
      Jens Maul Jorgensen, Director Bunkers, Oldendorff Carriers
    • 11:05 Networking break & Genius exchange
    • Session 1: Navigating the Global Bunker Fuel Market
    • 11:45 Major shipping and bunkering association dialogue– Meeting the evolving demands of global trade & decarbonization
      • How evolving policies and trade flows are impacting global shipping & bunkering industry
      • Green shipping corridors – what are the challenges and opportunities in the infrastructure?
      • What can the industries do to stay competitive in the next 5 – 10 years?
      Alexander Prokopakis,  Executive Director, IBIA
      Rania Tadros, President, WISTA UAE and Managing Partner, Stephenson Harwood Middle East
      Huma Qureshi,  General Manager, Emirates Shipping Association
      Moderator: Rahul Kapoor,  Global Head, Shipping Analytics & Research, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • 12:20 Panel: Bunker fuel fundamentals, trading, and risk management
      • Exploring factors influencing pricing: crude oil, refinery, and supply/demand dynamics
      • Mitigating the risks –What can banks offer for trade credit risks?
      • Shifting towards alternative fuels influences pricing and risk management
      Guido Cardullo,  Head of Marine Energy, Fratelli Cosulich
      Vedran Bovan, Head of Supply & Trading, SEKAVIN
      Anna Malamen,  Group Finance Director, Head of Credit, PMG Holding
      Jeremy Loy,  Head of Fuel, East, Vitol
      Moderator: Rowan Staden-Coats,  EMEA Residual Fuels, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • 13:00 Networking lunch, hosted by National Bank of Fujairah
    • Session 2: Fujairah's Strategic Role in Bunker Fuel Development
    • 14:30 Presentation - Fujairah Roadmap: the strategic gateway for energy and commodities
      Martijn Heijboer, Senior Manager, Strategy Transformation & Business Development, Port of Fujairah
    • 14:50 Panel: Fujairah Developments – Innovation, Expansion, and Strategy
      • Analyzing Fujairah's competitive advantages and positioning as a maritime hub in the region
      • The development of Dibba Port, Etihad railway, and refinery expansion – What does it mean for Fujairah?
      Salem Al Hamoudi,  General Director, Fujairah Oil Industry Zone (FOIZ)
      Malek Azizeh, Commercial Director, Fujairah Oil Terminal
      Moderator: Daniel Colover,  Head of Global Engagement & Intelligence for Oil/LNG, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • 15:30 Networking break & Genius exchange 
    • Session 3: Navigating Future Shipping and Bunker Fuel Trends
    • 16:00 Presentation: Navigating the waves: the shipping trends in a dynamic global landscape
    • 16:20 Panel: Mapping the global shipping routes: Cargo dynamics, influential factors, and trade flows
      • Exploring global production and shipping dynamics to the Middle East: Perceptions vs. Realities
      • Identifying new shipping routes - the impact on the Middle East trade flows, agreement, and demand patterns
      • Cargo ship challenges along maritime trade routes – What are the cost implications for vessel protection?
      H.E. Khamis Juma Buamin,  Chairman, Dubai Council for Marine & Maritime Industries
      Vivek Kumar Seth, Senior Vice President, Marine Services, ADNOC Logistics & Services
      Bilal Hasan Ashraf,  Head of Energy and Marine & Head of GLC Fujairah, Corporate Banking, National Bank of Fujairah
    • Session 4: The Middle East and Africa Storage Landscape
    • 17:00 Panel: Petroleum product storage and trade flows
      • Establishment of new refineries in the Middle East and Africa – How does it impact the storage and trade flows?
      • Evaluating fuel oil trade flows from the Middle East and its impact on the international bunker markets
      • How is the demand for petroleum products contributing to the value of the storage market?
      Saif Alhazaimeh, Director, BPGIC
      Maha Abdelmajeed Commercial Manager, VTTI
    • 17:40 Chair’s recap
      Rahul Kapoor, Global Head, Shipping Analytics & Research, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • 18:30 Networking drinks reception 
    • 19:30 FUJCON Gala Dinner, hosted by AKRON TRADE AND TRANSPORT 
April 9 - FUJCON - day 2 agenda
    • 08:30 Networking breakfast
    • 09:00 Chair’s recap of day one
    • Session 5: Developing the alternative fuels market
    • 09:10 The future of bunker fuels – innovations and sustainability
      Adrian Tolson, Owner, 2050 Marine Energy
    • 09:30 Panel: Unlocking the potential of low carbon fuels in the bunker market
      • The future challenges and opportunities in a multifuel environment
      •  Infrastructure requirements and investments for regional adoption
      • Opportunities and challenges in the commercial uptake of alternative fuels in the Middle East
      Law Say Huat, General Manager, Vopak Horizon Fujairah Terminals
      Rahul Choudhuri, Preisdent, Strategic Partnership, VPS
      Walter Purio, Chief Executive Officer, Emerging Solutions Commercial
      Moderator: Umesh Patil, Director Energy & Resources Training, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • 10:10 The outlook for methanol as a bunker fuel
    • 10:30 Networking break & Genius exchange
    • 11:10 Panel: Navigating the rise of LNG as a sustainable marine fuel
      • Addressing the surge in demand and vessel ordering
      • Enhancing the cargo handling system
      • LNG duel-fueled fleet meeting the GHG technical and environmental standards 
      • How does the shift to LNG bunker reduce compliance costs?
      Steve Esau, Chief Operating Officer, SEA-LNG
    • Session 6: Regulatory frameworks in the decarbonization journey
    • 11:50 Panel: Regulatory challenges for bunker fuels in the decarbonization Journey
      • Understanding IMO, CII, and ETS regulations: Impacts on bunker fuel suppliers and users
      • How new regulations are reshaping the global bunker fuel market
      Dheeraj Sharma,  Vice President, Marine & Offshore Business Development-Middle East & Africa, ABS
      Carl Lindahl, Maritime Contracts Manager, BIMCO
      Moderator: Krispen Atkinson,  Associate Director, S&P Global Commodity Insights
    • 12:30 Networking lunch
    • Session 7: Marine Fuel Quality and Innovation
    • 14:00 Panel: Enhancing Bunker Fuel Quality – Challenges, Solutions, and Innovations
      • Ensuring compliance with fuel quality standards and environmental regulations
      • Innovations in cleaner bunker fuels and their impact on the industry
      Colin Holloway, Global Head-Technical, Cockett Group
      Chris Turner, Manager Bunker Quality & Claims, Integr8Fuels
      Muhammad Usman, Product Manager FOBAS, Lloyd's Register
    • 14:40 Presentation: Optimizing bunker fuel efficiency and emissions reduction
      • Innovations in bunker fuel blending for lower emissions
      • Enhancing fuel quality control: The role of testing and standards in reducing environmental impact
      • Exploring biofuels, LNG, and synthetic fuels as sustainable alternatives for the bunkering industry
    • 15:00 Networking break & Genius exchange
    • Session 8: Innovation and expansion in technology
    • 15:30 Fireside chat – Powering shipping ecosystem with leading-edge technology
      • Assessing how autonomous ships and drones can revolutionize the shipping industry today
      • Addressing the role of technology in promoting sustainable practices
      • Examining the importance of cybersecurity associated with protecting data
    • 15:50 Panel: Smart bunkering: Charting the course for advancement and solutions
      • How digitalization (blockchain, AI, and IoT) optimize vessel operations, enhance safety, and streamline supply chain management
      • The utilization of MFM to enhance ship fuel efficiency – how does the region embrace it?
      Samir Fernandez, Director of Marine Fuel Solutions, Moeve
      Per Funch-Nielsen Director, AuctionConnect
    • 16:30 Chair’s closing remarks
    • 16:40 End of conference

Advisory Committee

HE Dr Mohammed Saeed Al Kindi H.E. Dr Mohammed Saeed Al Kindi,
Chairman, FUJCON Steering Committee

H.E. Dr. Mohammed Saeed Al Kindi had a distinguished career in Government of the United Arab Emirates as a Diplomat. Starting as Second Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Abu Dhabi in 1984, Dr Al Kindi was transferred to the United Nations, New York serving as U.A.E mission from 1986-1995. He represented U.A.E. at the United Nations Security Council from 1986-1987 and the U.N. General Assembly during his post. He was appointed Charge d’Affairs of the U.A.E. Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia from 1995-1997. Dr. Al Kindi has served as Director of Ruler’s Office, Government of Fujairah, U.A.E. from 1997-2006. He also served in the United Arab Emirates Federal Government’s Cabinet as a Minister for Environment & Water.

Mohammed Majed Bin Al Aleeli.Mohammed Majed Bin Al Aleeli,
Director General, Fujairah Dept. of Industry & Economy, Board Member, NBF

Mohammed Majed Bin Al Aleeli is Director General of Department of Industry & Economy for the Government of Fujairah. Mr Majed is a member of the Board Fujairah National Bank and Arab Company for Poultry Production. Also, member of Federal Committee for Assortment and Economic Cooperation at the Ministry of Economy as well as Emergency and Natural Disaster.

MoradCapt. Mousa Morad,
Managing Director, Port of Fujairah

Capt. Mousa Morad is Managing Director at the Port of Fujairah. He is a Master Mariner, with more than 41 years’ experience in marine related activities and management. During his tenure the Port of Fujairah, capitalizing on its strategic position outside the Straits of Hormuz, has undergone significant development both in berths and facilities and the range of its commercial activity. Capt. Mousa is also a Development Committee Member of Fujairah Oil Industry Zone (FOIZ), which oversees Tank Storage Development in the Emirate, and is chaired by His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Mohammad Al Sharqi, a Member of the Supreme Council of the U.A.E., and Ruler of Fujairah.

Capt. Salem Al HamoudiCapt. Salem Al Hamoudi,
Director, Fujairah Oil Industry Zone (FOIZ)

Capt Salem Al Hamoudi is the Director for Fujairah Oil Industry Zone (FOIZ), a position held since 2018. He has been working in oil and gas shipping and trade since 2000. Capt Salem joined Port of Fujairah in 2012 as a management member of Fujairah Oil Tanker Terminals. Prior to that, he worked at National Gas Shipping Company at the division of fleet operations of Gas tankers, part of ADNOC group; as well as in TOTAL looking after the management of offshore logistics.

Dr Salem KhalilDr Salem Kalil,
Technical Advisor, Government of Fujairah

To be announced.

Capt Ali Rashed AlabdouliCapt Ali Rashed Alabdouli,
Acting Director, Fujairah Oil Tank Terminals, Port of Fujairah

To be announced.

MayedCapt Mayed Alameeri,
Harbour Master, Director Marine, Port of Fujairah

To be announced.

Martijn Heijboer.jpg - 100.jpgMartijn Heijboer,
Senior Manager, Strategy Transformation & Business Development, Port of Fujairah

To be announced.

Dave ErnsbergerDave Ernsberger,
Co-President, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Dave Ernsberger is Head of Market Reporting and Trading Solutions at S&P Global Commodity Insights. Based in London, he is responsible for managing Platts commodity price benchmarks worldwide, including market reporting, news coverage and exchange relationships, from well-established markets like oil and gas through to emerging market environments like new Energy Transition commodities and recycled materials.

 Dave has served in a variety of roles at Platts, including Head of Oil Content; Editorial Director for Asia (based in Singapore), and Houston Bureau Chief. He joined Platts in 1996 as a metals reporter in London, and launched coverage of Europe’s then-deregulating gas and electricity markets in 1999.

Lyn TattumLyn Tattum,
VP & Head of Conferences, S&P Global Commodity Insights

Lyn Tattum is Vice President, Head of Events, Training, and Media, at S&P Global Commodity Insights and Publisher of Chemical Week. Lyn’s early career was as a journalist, publisher, writer, and interviewer in the global chemical Industry. She is well known within the international chemical and plastics industry, interviewing CEOs, chairing conferences and roundtables, and regularly attending global industry events, where she has pioneered discussions on Sustainability, ESG and Diversity.

Lyn recently launched The Chemical Leadership Circle to connect industry CEOs worldwide with critical information, providing an opportunity to network, raise awareness of key issues, and exchange ideas at a time of critical global change in economy, politics, society and business.

ClaireGodardClaire Godard,
Sales Director (Middle East), S&P Global Commodity Insights

To be announced.



AdrianAdrian Tolson,
Owner, 2050 Marine Energy

To be announced.

DheerajDheeraj Sharma,
Vice President, Marine & Offshore Business Development-Middle East & Africa, ABS

Captain Dheeraj Sharma is the ABS Vice President of Marine & Offshore Regional Business Development for Middle East and Africa, based in Dubai. Dheeraj joined ABS in early 2022. Prior to ABS, Dheeraj spent almost a decade at the United Arab Chemical Carriers (UACC) as their General Manager/Owners Representative at their head office in Dubai overseeing the daily running of the 26 tankers and office teams in Singapore, Mumbai & Hong Kong. Before coming ashore, he sailed for 17 years with NOL Singapore, Kuwait Oil Tankers (KOTC) and World-Wide Shipping as Master on Shell & BP-chartered vessels. Having worked for shipowners, managers and oil majors in marine operations, safety, commercial and new building departments, Dheeraj brings a wealth of commercial shipping experience and an owner's perspective with him.

VivekVivek Kumar Seth,
Senior Vice President, Marine Services, ADNOC Logistics & Services

To be announced.

PerPer Funch-Nielsen,
Direector, AuctionConnect

To be announced.

CarlCarl Lindahl,
Maritime Contracts Manager, BIMCO

To be announced.

SaifSaif Alhazaimeh,
Director, BGPIC

To be announced.

ColinColin Holloway,
Global Head-Technical, Cockett Group

To be announced.

H.EH.E. Khamis Juma Buamim,
Chairman, Dubai Council for Marine & Maritime Industries

H.E. Khamis Juma Buamim is the Chairman & Group CEO of KBI-uae which is a conglomerate operating in several sectors including oil & gas, energy, navigation and industry. H.E. Khamis Juma Buamim is a board member of Gulf Craft Inc and Asia Think Tank Group for future maritime transformation and the Global advisor for the MareForum, formerly he was Board Member and MD and Group CEO of Gulf Navigation Holding PJSC and Board Member of Drake and Scull International PJSC. H.E. Khamis Juma Buamim is the Chairman of the Dubai Council for Marine and Maritime Industries, the specialized industry council formed to promote the interests of the offshore and maritime industry in Dubai and the UAE. He is Honorary Advisor to Hong Kong Asian Logistics, Maritime and Aviation Conference (ALMAC) and also Chairman of Arab Association for Petroleum Professionals (AAPP), for the professionals in the oil and gas industry in the Middle East and the world to connect, network and collaborate to tackle major challenges facing the industry. In addition, he is the former Chairman of the Federal Committee for the Revision and Update of the UAE Maritime Law, the committee was created to review and update the UAE Commercial Maritime Law and formulate a new & futuristic law that will propel and govern the ongoing potential growth of business and the maritime industry in the UAE and the region. H.E. Khamis Juma Buamim is the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Drydocks world and Maritime world and Chairman of the Board of DDW-PaxOcean Asia PTE Singapore and has successfully led the organization through its restructuring during the global financial crisis. His leadership and direction have been instrumental in the company being able to acquire several pioneering projects on a global scale. This leadership has seen the company move from close to financial failure, create major synergies, recognize potential and place the organization firmly on a path driven to sustainable profitability and growth. H.E. Khamis Juma Buamim is a Leading veteran in the oil and gas industry worked with Conoco and ConocoPhillips for 26 years and held various corporate and management positions, including vice president of Dubai oil company, a subsidiary of ConocoPhillips in the United Arab Emirates. He was also the Chairman and CEO of Regional Clean Sea Organization (RECSO) the oil industry environmental arm in the Gulf region.

WalterWalter Purio,
Chief Executive Officer, Emerging Solutions Commercial

Captain Walter P. Purio is the Global Chief Executive Officer of ESCC and uODS Marine and Power, where he leads initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint of conventional fossil fuels. His work centers on uODS (Ultrasonic Oxidative Desulfurisation) technology, which removes sulfur from Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO), lowering harmful emissions and providing significant environmental benefits for the marine and power industries. With extensive experience in the maritime, energy, and technology sectors, Captain Purio has held senior leadership roles focused on technological innovation and environmental sustainability. He has also served as a Director of the Pilbara Ports Authority, providing strategic marine industry expertise to support Australia's economic growth. As a Co-Founder and inaugural CEO of the LNG Marine Fuel Institute, and the APAC Vice President of the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF), Captain Walter has been a champion for operational safety, security, and environmental best practices in the use of gaseous marine fuels in the maritime sector.

HumaHuma Qureshi,
General Manager, Emirates Shipping Association

To be announced.

GuidoGuido Cardullo,
Head of Marine Energy, Fratelli Cosulich

Guido Cardullo is the Head of Marine Energy of Fratelli Cosulich, a world leading bunker trading company with offices in Seoul, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Dubai, Athens, Genoa, Monaco, Paris and New York. Mr. Cardullo manages Fratelli Cosulich’ investments in alternative fuel vessels, including LNG, methanol, and ammonia bunker barges. Before that, he was Managing Director of the Singapore office of Fratelli Cosulich, where they operate as a physical supplier with a fleet of 5 owned bunker barges. Mr Cardullo joined Fratelli Cosulich in 2011.

MalekMalek Azizeh,
Commercial Director, Fujairah Oil Terminal

To be announced.

AlexanderAlexander Prokopakis,
Executive Dirctor, IBIA

To be announced.

ArsenioArsenio Dominguez,
Secretary General, IMO

To be announced.

chrisChris Turner,
Manager Bunker Quality & Claims, Integr8Fuels

Chris Turner joined Integr8 Fuels in 2017, spending several years in Singapore before relocating to Dubai. With over 30 years in oil and shipping, he has held roles in laboratory management, physical supply, broking, and trading. More recently, he has focused on technical supervision of exclusive buying and helped develop quality systems for biofuel purchasing, leading to Integr8’s ISCC certification. An active IBIA Technical Working Group member, Chris is also a regular speaker and panellist at major bunkering conferences worldwide.

MuhammadMuhammad Usman,
Product Manager, FOBAS, Lloyd's Register

Muhammad Usman has 25 years of maritime industry experience, currently working as Product Manager, Fuel Advisory at Lloyds Register where he is an expert voice on marine fuels, lubes and exhaust emissions.

SamirSamir Fernandez,
Director of Marine Solutions and Trading, Moeve

To be announced.

BilalBilal Hasan Ashraf,
Head of Energy and Marine & Head of GLC Fujairah, National Bank of Fujairah

To be announced.

JensJens Maul Jorgensen,
Director Bunkers, Oldendorff Carriers

Jens Maul Jørgensen, Director of Bunkers and Risk Management, Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. Kg. Jens started his career in Shipping over 34 years ago since August 1990, and has experience with forwarding agencies, port agencies, vessel operations and chartering. In 1996, Jens started working for MARAG A/S (Maritime Agency Bunkers A/S) as part of the O.W. Group, until 2003. For the next 4 years he became a Bunker Manager for the ARMADA Group, before moving on to his current position as the Director of the Bunker department at Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG. (2007) Jens become a Board member of IBIA in 2010 and was the IBIA Chairman from 2014-2016. He has been a regular speaker on the event circuit, particularly at SIBCON. Jens is at present operating and buying bunkers for a fleet over 750 vessels, buying close to 3,5 million tons of bunkers and having own bunker barge in Singapore. He is also managing 3 departments/teams which incl ETS Support / Fuel EU Maritime and New Fuels beside that he also controls 14 bunker superintendents globally.

JensAnna Malamen,
Group Finance Director, Head of Credit, PMG Holding

To be announced.

Steve EsauSteve Esau,
Chief Operating Officer, SEA-LNG

To be announced.

VedranVedran Bovan,
Head of Supply & Trading, SEKAVIN

Vedran Bovan is Head of Supply & Trading at Sekavin. Vedran has a strong background in sales and operations together with experience in risk management have allowed for a more holistic approach as a trader. Recognizable leadership qualities have enforced the skill of training and guiding teams. Excellent communication skills assist in being effective and delivering under pressure, in an organized and articulate manner.

ConstantinosConstantinos Capetanakis,
Bunker Director, Starbulk

Constantinos Capetanakis is Bunker Director at Starbulk, the Chair of the International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA), and the Chair of IBIA’s Future Fuels Working Group. He is a qualified Greek lawyer since 1997 and an English solicitor since 2002. He has served as the Legal Counsel of a major Piraeus-based shipping company listed in NYSE. Constantinos further worked as a marine litigation solicitor at an international law firm, both in London and Piraeus. Between 2004-2013 he was a shareholder and Director of a family-run shipping company, where he was responsible for the investment strategy and all managerial, commercial and legal issues. In 2014 Constantinos joined Starbulk , and is currently serving as its Bunker Director, responsible for bunkering procurement / strategy and Starbulk’s cooperation with oil, energy, and bunker industry stakeholders. In 2020 Constantinos was elected as a Board of directors member of the International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA). Since April 2022, Constantinos is IBIA BoD Vice-Chairman. Constantinos is also the Chairman of IBIA’s Future Fuels Working Group.

RaniaRania Tadros,
President, WISTA UAE and Managing Partner, Stephenson Harwood Middle East

Rania Tadros is the Global Head of Maritime and Offshore at Stephenson Harwood, and the managing partner of the Dubai office. She is a renowned maritime, trade and offshore lawyer and has over 20 years’ experience servicing clients operating in these industries with a special focus on resolving disputes and advising on commercial matters. Rania has developed a reputation for assisting clients on their most complex disputes and prides herself on her ability to identify key issues and seek an effective resolution for her clients’ matters. She also has significant experience advising clients in relation to their non-contentious matters and frequently advises companies in relation to their commercial contracts and large-scale projects. She is also widely regarded as one of the leading lawyers in the Middle East, which is reflected through the various accolades she has received including The Maritime Standard's 'Woman in Shipping Award'. Furthermore, she is recognised as a leading shipping lawyer in many of the legal directories, including the Legal 500 EMEA Guide, UAE, where she is listed in the ''Hall of Fame'' and Chambers and Partners Global where she is ranked as a Band 1 Individual. Owing to her reputation and expertise in the market, Rania serves as the President of the UAE branch of the Women in Shipping and Trade Association (WISTA UAE), an international organisation serving as an advocate for women's advancement within the maritime, trading and logistics sectors. Her mission is to build a thriving professional network and community, facilitate knowledge exchange, share insights, nurture professional development, address the gender leadership gap and foster collaboration with institutions and organisations worldwide.

SaifH.E. Saif Ghubash Almarri,
Undersecretary Assistant for Petroleum, Gas & Mineral, UAE Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure

Rania Tadros is the Global Head of Maritime and Offshore at Stephenson Harwood, and the managing partner of the Dubai office. She is a renowned maritime, trade and offshore lawyer and has over 20 years’ experience servicing clients operating in these industries with a special focus on resolving disputes and advising on commercial matters. Rania has developed a reputation for assisting clients on their most complex disputes and prides herself on her ability to identify key issues and seek an effective resolution for her clients’ matters. She also has significant experience advising clients in relation to their non-contentious matters and frequently advises companies in relation to their commercial contracts and large-scale projects. She is also widely regarded as one of the leading lawyers in the Middle East, which is reflected through the various accolades she has received including The Maritime Standard's 'Woman in Shipping Award'. Furthermore, she is recognised as a leading shipping lawyer in many of the legal directories, including the Legal 500 EMEA Guide, UAE, where she is listed in the ''Hall of Fame'' and Chambers and Partners Global where she is ranked as a Band 1 Individual. Owing to her reputation and expertise in the market, Rania serves as the President of the UAE branch of the Women in Shipping and Trade Association (WISTA UAE), an international organisation serving as an advocate for women's advancement within the maritime, trading and logistics sectors. Her mission is to build a thriving professional network and community, facilitate knowledge exchange, share insights, nurture professional development, address the gender leadership gap and foster collaboration with institutions and organisations worldwide.

LawSay Huat Law,
General Manager, Vopak Horizon Fujairah Terminals

To be announced.

RahulRahul Choudhuri,
President, Strategic Partnership, VPS

To be announced.

MahaMaha Abdelmajeed,
Commercial Manager, VTTI

To be announced.

Rahul Kapoor, VP, Global Head of Shipping Analytics & Research SPGCI_APPEC.jpgRahul Kapoor,
VP, Global Head of Shipping Analytics & Research, S&P Global Commodity Insights

To be announced.

(CF)Daniel Colover.PNGDaniel Colover,
Head of Global Engagement & Intelligence for Oil/LNG, S&P Global Commodity Insights

To be announced.

Joel Hanley, Global Director, Crude & Fuel Oil Markets, S&P Global Commodity Insights.jpgJoel Hanley,
Global Director, Crude & Fuel Oil Markets, S&P Global Commodity Insights

To be announced.

KrispenKrispen Atkinson,
Associate Director, S&P Global Commodity Insights

To be announced.

Umesh Patil-Director Training.jpegUmesh Patil,
Director, Energy & Resources Training, S&P Global Commodity Insights

To be announced.

rowan-staden-coats.jpgRowan Staden-Coates,
Managing Editor, EMEA Residual Fuels, S&P Global Commodity Insights

To be announced.

2025 Sponsors

GPS Chemoil

Supporting association


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each sponsor has the opportunity to showcase their product or service to industry-wide professionals. We provide an environment that encourages an honest and open dialogue among attendees. If you would like to lead the conversation as an event sponsor, contact us for more details on available packages: [email protected].

Download the brochureDemonstrate your strengths, raise your company profile, and maximize your ROI as we bring key industry players and decision-makers to you. At FUJCON 2025, each sponsor has the opportunity to showcase their products and services and distinguish themselves from the competition. We offer a full range of opportunities and packages, and can even tailor solutions to suit your needs.

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Contact us to start a conversation about your goals and how you can lead the pack as an event sponsor at [email protected]


Early Bird Rate
Register by February 10
Standard Rate
Register by April 03
Conference pass only
Training course pass only
Conference pass & training course combined

Rates are in USD and are not inclusive of local taxes or VAT. EMEA Region event terms and conditions apply. Please note training courses are seperately bookable from main conference.

* See FAQs for details on registering at this special rate.

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FUJCON 2025 will take place at the DoubleTree by Hilton, Fujairah City

Address: Al Maktoum Rd., Al Taif Business Center
Tel: +971 56 993 4168
Website: DoubleTree by Hilton, Fujairah City

Please note: Your conference registration does not include accommodation. A limited number of rooms have been reserved for conference attendees at a discounted group rate. These rates apply for the nights of April 7-10, 2025. The discounted room rate will be available until March 3, 2025 – or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first. 

Room Rates:
Superior Bedroom (single occupancy): 550 AED
Superior Bedroom (double occupancy): 600 AED

All rates are quoted in AED, per room, per night and include breakfast. Room rates above are inclusive of all applicable taxes & charges.
Check-in time is 3:00 p.m. Check-out time is 12:00 noon. 

Click here to book your hotel stay

**Please note: S&P Global Commodity Insights is not associated with any third-party reservation agents. Making any reservations through a third party may put your credit at risk of a compromise. To make your reservation, please contact the hotel directly.

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Click here to view the full event terms and conditions, then use the drop-down menu to select the applicable event category.

News & Insights


How to register

We offer three easy ways to register:

Online: Click here to register now

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44 (0)20 7176 6111

Payment forms accepted

We accept payment by credit card. To pay without a credit card, contact us via email to [email protected]

Group rate

Your organization may send 1 person for free for every 3 people registered at the current delegate rate. All registrations must be from the same organization and made at the same time to qualify. The group rate is not retroactive. 

How to obtain a letter of invitation to apply for a travel visa

We can provide you with a letter of invitation to apply for a travel visa, which you should then send to the appropriate consulate or embassy of the event location. Please note:

  • — Your registration fee must be paid in full before a letter of invitation can be issued. There are no exceptions.
  • — Payment is considered full once money is posted to an order. Credit card payments are immediate. Wire transfer payments require at least 5 business days. Check payments require at least 10 business days.
  • — The visa application process can take weeks or even months, depending on the countries involved and time of year, so you should consider registering and paying as early as possible.

Once full payment has been made, please contact Customer Service to request a letter of invitation:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44 (0)20 7176 6111

Networking app

Event registration includes access to the networking app, available for your smartphone, tablet, and desktop (both iOS and Android). We'll send registrants details about logging in to the app as soon as it goes live. Please note that your registration must be paid in full to receive access.

Substitution policy (how to transfer your registration to a colleague)

If you’re not able to attend, we’re happy to transfer your registration to a member of your organization at no cost, up to 2 business days in advance of the event. Requests must be received in writing via email to [email protected], and are subject to approval. For assistance, you may also reach out by phone: +44 (0)20 7176 6111

Cancellation policy

If you're not able to attend or send a colleague in your place, we accept cancellations and provide refunds if received in writing to [email protected] at least 30 days before the event. In the event of non-attendance, the full invoice fee will be payable.

Sponsorship opportunities

We offer a variety of standard and tailor-made sponsorship opportunities to fit your marketing and business-to-business needs—and your budget. Please reach out directly to the Business Development Manager for this event:

Fatma Tong

Email: [email protected]

Speaking opportunities

We're always looking for the best voices in the industry to share their experience and perspective on opportunities, challenges, and trends. Please reach out directly to the Conference Producer to discuss availability and suitability:

Fatma Tong

Email: [email protected]

Press passes

We allow accredited media writing on behalf of major industry publications to cover the event at no charge. Please reach out to the contact below for press pass approval.

Niki Dhakan

Email: [email protected]

Event terms and conditions

Click here to view the full event terms and conditions, then use the drop-down menu to select the EMEA Region event category.