Powering today, defining tomorrow

Celebrating 40 years, the Global Power Markets Conference is the premier event for decision-makers navigating the future of power. 800+ executives from power, energy transition, finance, infrastructure, investment, and government will come together in Las Vegas to tackle the industry’s most pressing challenges and emerging opportunities.

Join us as to delve into market shifts, evolving energy policy, grid expansion, and investment trends shaping the evolving power landscape. Hear directly from top executives and key stakeholders who are driving innovation and redefining the future of energy.

With 15+ deep-dive breakout sessions and a full day of high-level plenary discussions, you'll gain exclusive insights, strategic perspectives, and invaluable connections at North America’s must-attend power conference.


What to expect:

  • — Engaging Keynotes and Executive Fireside Chats
  • — Dynamic Panel Discussions with Industry Leaders and Audience Q&A
  • — Insightful Training from industry experts
  • — Unmatched Networking and access to the industry’s most prominent companies and leaders

Themes on the horizon:

  • — What’s next for the energy transition and the evolving future of renewables
  • — The geopolitical landscape, regulations, and policy changes
  • — Technological innovations and Climatech developments
  • — Pace of electrification, transmission, and power reliability
  • — Power demand trajectories
  • — Gas generations' future and new plants coming online
  • — Nuclear power’s possible resurgence
  • — The future of the IRA
  • — The growing impact of AI and data centers
  • — Investments in renewables and battery storage

Networking, bonus content, and more

Do more with your registration. You'll receive access to our networking app before the event. Use it to:
  • Build your network—See who else is registered, help people find you, exchange contact information digitally, and plan who you'd like to meet at the event. The list updates in real time once the app goes live.
  • Connect—Use 1:1 messaging to introduce yourself. Conversations are saved and searchable for your convenience.
  • Enjoy extra content—Receive materials from speakers and partners. Find out about event updates as they happen.
  • Take it all with you—Look up your contacts and conversations later. Use the mobile app version for easy access from anywhere.


Industry Fundamentals Trainings:

Power and Renewable Market Fundamentals
Recent policy decisions have increased investment in renewable energy technologies, creating new challenges and opportunities for the power systems and market players. The rise in wind and solar deployment in power systems, originally built for firm generation, creates potential complications and is forcing regulators and companies alike to adopt a multi-technology strategy. On the other hand, growing geopolitical fractures are reshaping cleantech supply chains and cost structures, making innovation a key enabler for the transformation. This comprehensive training course will examine:

  • — Industry Structure and Regulation
  •  Electricity supply and demand trends
  •  Clean power technologies
  •  Costs / Supply chains / Prices and revenue
  •  Outlooks

The shift to affordable, clean energy is rapidly changing power systems worldwide. Increasing shares of variable renewables are pushing regulators and companies alike to adopt a multi-technology strategy. At the same time, growing geopolitical fractures are reshaping cleantech supply chains and cost structures. In this dynamic setting, innovation remains key with existing technologies becoming cheaper and more performant, with innovations on the horizon that could potentially transform the cleantech landscape. This comprehensive training course will examine:

  • — Overview of clean power technologies
  •  Costs and supply chains
  •  Industry trends and disruptions
  •  Renewables and green tech outlooks

A separate fee applies. Click here for more information.


Training and Opening Reception - Monday, April 14, 2025
  • 9:00 am Carbon Markets and Pricing Overview
    — Supply and demand drivers
    — Levelized cost of different technologies
    — Generation resources types & roles; need for dispatchable firm power
    — Price formation
    — Role of the grid
  • 9:45 am How Do Carbon Markets and Pricing Fit Within Global Climate Policy?
    — How are power markets designed today?
    — Key regional differences in regulations and market design
    — New policy developments impact in clean energy development
    — Major challenges regulators and policymakers face
  • 10:30 am Networking Break
  • 11:00 am Compliance Carbon Markets & Pricing - North America
    — Role of the IRA and tax credits
    — State policies and drivers
    — Demand drivers
    — Capacity markets, accreditation, market design
    — Infrastructure: grid, transmission
    — Supply & reliability concerns and requirements
    — Long-term (2050) and "Fast Transition" outlook
    — Utility & developer strategies
  • 12:00 pm Lunch
  • 1:00 pm Compliance Carbon Markets & Pricing - Other Regional Outlooks
    — Latin America
    — Europe
    — Africa & Middle East
    — China
    — South & Southeast Asia
    — OECD Asia
  • 1:45 pm Factors to Take into Consideration When Investing in Renewable Energy
    — Competitiveness; Grid accommodation
    — Market fundamentals
    — Profitability; Ease of business
    — Market size
    — Regulatory framework
  • 2:30 pm Afternoon Break
  • 3:00 pm Consumers: Driving Renewable Investment
    — Corporate buyers in the renewable market
    — Large energy consumers and clean energy procurement
    — Trends in renewable Power Purchasing Agreements
  • 4:00 pm Wrap Up
  • 4:15 pm End of Training
  • 9:00 am Overview of Clean Power Technologies 101
    — CCUS
    — Solar PV
    — Wind (onshore and offshore); Energy Storage
    — Non-mainstream technologies
  • 10:00 am Costs & Supply Chain
    — Cost evolution and drivers
  • 10:30 am Networking Break
  • 11:00 am Supply Chain
    — Current supply demand balances
    — Component manufacturing footprint; Raw material dependencies
  • 12:00 pm Lunch
  • 1:00 pm Trends
    — Emerging localization trends
    — Evolution of technology and supplier landscape climate and nature-based risks
    — Innovations and disruptions; Emergence of hybrids/colocation
  • 2:30 pm Afternoon Break
  • 3:00 pm Outooks
    — Renewables outlooks
    — Long-Term global outlook for CO2 capture installations
    — S&P Global Commodity Insights’ base case outlook for both near-term (2030) and long-term (2050) CO2 capture installations
  • 4:15 pm End of Training
Main Conference

  • 3:00 pm Registration opens
  • 5:30 pm Welcome Reception
  • 7:15 pm Women in Power Dinner (Invitation only)
Plenary Sessions - Tuesday, April 15, 2025
  • 8:30 am Registration and Networking Breakfast
  • 9:30 am Chair’s Welcoming Remarks
    Moderator: Jenny Yang, Global Head of Power and Renewables Research,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • Plenary Sessions and Executive Insights

  • 9:45 am Global Energy Outlook by S&P Global Commodity Insights
    Manu Asthana, President, CEO,
    PJM Interconnection
  • 10:45 am Networking and Refreshment Break
  • 11:15 am  EXECUTIVE DIALOGUE SERIES  Evolving the Grid: How’s Your Crystal Ball?
    Alice Jackson, Senior Vice President, Chief Planning Officer,
    Xcel Energy
  • 11:45 am  EXECUTIVE PANEL  The Power Plant of Tomorrow: Balancing Reliability, Predictability, and Affordability
    Petter Skantze, Vice President, Infrastructure Development,
    NextEra Energy Resources
    Larry Bekkedahl, Senior Vice President, Strategy and Advanced Energy Delivery,
    Portland General Electric
    Kleber Costa, CCO,
    AES Clean Energy
    Kevin Hagerty, President and CEO,
    Vicinity Energy
  • 12:45 pm Networking Lunch
  • 2:15 pm  EXECUTIVE DIALOGUE SERIES  Managing the Risk of Increasing Price Volatility While Global Power Demand is Growing and Energy Consumption Transitions to Cleaner Power
    Paul Cusenza, Chairman, CEO,
    Nodal Exchange
  • 2:45 pm  EXECUTIVE PANEL  Powering the Regions: Unlocking Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges in U.S. Power Markets
    Moderator: Ryan Norfolk, Partner,
    Baker Botts L.L.P.
    Himanshu Saxena, Chairman, CEO,
    Lotus Infrastructure Partners
    Andre T. Porter, Senior Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer and General Counsel,
    Lynda Clemmons, Senior Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer,
    Raj Mahagaokar, Chief Financial Officer,
    Grid United
  • 3:45 pm Networking Break
  • 4:15 pm  EXECUTIVE PANEL  Navigating Tax Equity: Financing Pathways for the Evolving Power Market
    Moderator: John Leonti, Partner,
    troutman pepper
    Anand Dandapani, Executive Director,
    Bryan Didier, Partner, Managing Director,
    Monarch Private Equity
    Ben Jacoby, Partner, Managing Director,
    Paragon Energy Capital
  • 5:15 pm Power and Politics: Navigating Geopolitics, Climate, and Post-Election Energy Shifts in 2025
    Carlos Pascual, Senior Vice President, Geopolitics and International Affairs,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • 5:45 pm Networking Reception
Breakout Session - Track 1 - Wednesday, April 16, 2025
  • Navigating Trends and Shifts in Today’s Power Markets

  • 8:00 am Networking Breakfast
  • 9:00 am Navigating Shifts in Energy Demand and New Policy
    Post-election, shifting policies may alter energy demand trajectories, impacting efficiency and sustainability goals. What adaptive strategies can industry deploy to meet current power demands and future proof for what’s ahead.

    Moderator: Ken Irvin, Partner,
    Anthony Fratto, Senior Director, Research Analysis,
    American Clean Power Association
    Dena Wiggins, President, CEO,
    Natural Gas Supply Association (NGSA)
  • 10:00 am Financing the Future: Investment Trends in Power Markets and Funding New Infrastructure
    The evolving investment landscape presents challenges and opportunities for financing new infrastructure in power markets. What innovative approaches can investors and policymakers adopt to accelerate development and meet escalating energy demands sustainably?

    Moderator: Grace Parker, Power Pricing Analyst,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
    Gregory Hort, Managing Director,
    Nick McKee, Managing Director Group Head, Corporate Banking US Energy, Power and Renewables,
    Bank of America
    Vivek Kagzi, Managing Director,
    Goldman Sachs
  • 11:00 am Networking Break
  • 11:30 am Market Volatility and Pricing Strategies
    Market volatility significantly impacts pricing strategies, challenging stability in the power sector. What adaptive measures can companies implement to optimize pricing, reduce risk, and ensure competitive advantage amid fluctuating supply and demand conditions?

    Francis Browne, Global Head, Generation Fuel and Power Pricing,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • 12:00 pm Networking Lunch
  • 1:30 pm Gas Generation's Next Chapter: New Plants, Configurations, and Overcoming Pipeline Constraints
    Pipeline constraints and evolving configurations present critical challenges for executing new gas plant builds. Explore strategic solutions to advance gas generation infrastructure, addressing both the efficient distribution of energy and the role of new gas plants in bridging the gap left by the energy transition.

    Moderator: Hill Vaden, Executive Director, Financial and Capital Markets,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
    Daniel Androphy, Managing Director, Power and Infrastructure,
    Riverbend Energy
    Roger Kranenburg, Vice President, Energy Strategy and Policy,
    Lance Titus, Senior Managing Director, Head of New Energies, Americas,
  • 2:30 pm Networking Break
  • 3:00 pm The Evolving Role of Nuclear and the Debate Over its Future
    Amidst ongoing debates over its viability, can nuclear power make a meaningful comeback to meet modern energy demands? This session will explore how nuclear energy can evolve to address critical issues of safety, sustainability, and environmental impact while supporting urgent low-carbon goals.

    Moderator: William Freebairn, Associate Editorial Director, Nuclear and Uranium,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
    Farah Benahmed, Manager, US Policy & Advocacy,
    Breakthrough Energy
    Scott Morris, Deputy Executive Director, Operations,
    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    Benton Arnett, Senior Director, Markets and Policy,
    Nuclear Energy Institute
  • 4:00 pm Speed Networking
  • 5:00 pm Close of Conference
Breakout Session - Track 2 - Wednesday, April 16, 2025
  • Renewable Energy, Sustainability, and the Path to Net Zero

  • 8:00 am Networking Breakfast
  • 9:00 am Renewables in a Shifting Energy Landscape
    With a renewed policy focus on fossil fuels under new US leadership, what does the future hold for renewables? How will the industry maintain its momentum amid shifting energy policies? This discussion will explore how power providers, investors, and developers are adapting to the evolving energy landscape and what it means for the future of renewable expansion.

    Farish Mozley, Senior Government Affairs Associate,
    EDP Renewables North America
  • 10:00 am Energy Storage Solutions and Breakthroughs
    Explore the latest advancements in energy storage, from cutting-edge battery innovations to long-duration solutions that enhance grid reliability and flexibility. This panel will dive into trending technologies, curent applications, and hybrid systems designed to support renewable integration and expand global storage capacity.

    Katie Guerry, Senior Vice President, Chief Planning Officer,
    Convergent Energy and Power
  • 11:00 am Networking Break
  • 11:30 am M&A Activity in the Power Sector
    US utilities and independent power producers are positioning themselves for growth on the back of incremental demand expectations from an electrifying economy and aggressive datacenter development. What can we expect in asset valuations and consolidation-driven deal flow as corporate leaders balance strategic desires for scale, reliability, and lower-carbon assets?
  • 12:00 pm Networking Lunch
  • 1:30 pm How the IRA is Accelerating Renewables and What’s Next Post-Election
    The Inflation Reduction Act propels renewable growth, yet a new U.S. administration could could reshape its trajectory. What strategies should stakeholders adopt to sustain momentum and address evolving policies?

    Ray Henger, CEO,
    Copia Power
    Rodrigo Inurreta Acero, Regional Policy And Regulation - NA,
    EDP Renewables North America
  • 2:30 pm Networking Break
  • 3:00 pm Investment in Green Technology: Funding Solutions on the Path to Net Zero
    Investing in green technology is pivotal for achieving net-zero targets. What innovative funding mechanisms and strategic approaches can drive the development and deployment of solutions critical to a sustainable and carbon-neutral future?

    Moderator: Hill Vaden, Executive Director, Financial and Capital Markets,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
    Philip Holder, Managing Director,
    Chris Diaz, Co-CEO,
    Seminole Financial Services
    Ashwani Khubani, Global Head of Corporate Banking - Power, Utilities and Renewables,
  • 4:00 pm Speed Networking
  • 5:00 pm Close of Conference
Breakout Session - Track 3 - Wednesday, April 16, 2025
  • Innovations in Power Tech and Grid Transformation

  • 8:00 am Networking Breakfast
  • 9:00 am The Growth of Data Centers and Impact on Power Markets
    Power demand is skyrocketing in the US for the first time in decades, and the leading cause is the explosive growth of data centers. This trend is projected to grow, but the growth is uneven and affects some regions more than others. This creates challenges for reliability of the grid.

    Moderator: Brandon Lobb, Partner,
    Troutman Pepper Locke
    Bill Berg, Vice President Wholesale Market Development,
    Constellation Energy
    Hui Wen Chan, Senior Director ESG,
    Frederic Rosenberg, Managing Director,
    Deutsche Bank
  • 10:00 am Understanding and Managing Climate Risk and Power Markets
    Global warming creates new challenges for power markets, including extreme volatility, catastrophic disruptions, and spikes in power demand from extreme cold and heat. This panel discusses breakthroughs in weather forecasting and AI, new approaches for risk management and insurance, and new approaches to predicting and managing volatility and risk.

    Moderator: Francis Browne, Global Head, Generation Fuel and Power Pricing,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • 11:00 am Networking Break
  • 11:30 am Expanding Transmission Networks: Challenges and Opportunities
    New regulations are removing some of the barriers and allowing faster approval of transmission expansion. How will this play out in different regions, and what does this mean for power markets and new investment?

    John Larkey, Vice President, Power Marketing,
    National Grid Renewables
  • 12:00 pm Networking Lunch
  • 1:30 pm Balancing Act: How ISOs and RTOs are Innovating for a Reliable Grid Amid Transition
    Hear about the challenges facing ISOs as they manage demand growth, new policies and market signals, new generation trends, and growth of battery storage. Each region has different structures in place, and these are evolving along with the changing national trends.

    Moderator: Daryna Kotenko, Managing Editor, North America Power Pricing,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
    Vijay Kaki, Market Design,
    New York ISO
  • 2:30 pm Networking Break
  • 3:00 pm Carbon Capture and Re-Use: New Applications and Technologies
    A growing interest in carbon capture and re-use is affecting multiple industries. Captured CO2 not only helps with decarbonization efforts, but could be a valuable asset for power generation, steel mills, chemicals and other heavy industries. Learn about innovations, the scope of the potential market, and challenges for implementation.

    Moderator: Emmanuel Corral, Sr. Emissions Analyst,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
    Damian Beauchamp, President,
    8 Rivers
    Tim Vail, CEO,
    Ion Clean Energy
  • 4:00 pm Speed Networking
  • 5:00 pm Close of Conference
Times are US Pacific (PDT / GMT-07). Agenda subject to change.


  • Manu Asthana, President, CEO,
    PJM Interconnection
  • Lynda Clemmons, Senior Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer,
  • Raj Mahagaokar, Chief Financial Officer,
    Grid United
  • Carlos Pascual, Senior Vice President, Geopolitics and International Affairs,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • Alice Jackson, Senior Vice President, Chief Planning Officer,
    Xcel Energy
  • Petter Skantze, Vice President, Infrastructure Development,
    NextEra Energy Resources
  • Larry Bekkedahl, Senior Vice President, Strategy and Advanced Energy Delivery,
    Portland General Electric
  • Kevin Hagerty, President and CEO,
    Vicinity Energy
  • Paul Cusenza, Chairman, CEO,
    Nodal Exchange
  • Ryan Norfolk, Partner,
    Baker Botts L.L.P.
  • Himanshu Saxena, Chairman, CEO,
    Lotus Infrastructure Partners
  • Anand Dandapani, Executive Director,
  • Ken Irvin, Partner,
  • Anthony Fratto, Senior Director, Research Analysis,
    American Clean Power Association
  • Dena Wiggins, President, CEO,
    Natural Gas Supply Association (NGSA)
  • Bill Berg, Vice President Wholesale Market Development,
    Constellation Energy
  • Hui Wen Chan, Senior Director ESG,
  • Frederic Rosenberg, Managing Director,
    Deutsche Bank
  • Francis Browne, Global Head, Generation Fuel and Power Pricing,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • Katie Guerry, Senior Vice President, Chief Planning Officer,
    Convergent Energy and Power
  • Gregory Hort, Managing Director,
  • Nick McKee, Managing Director Group Head, Corporate Banking US Energy, Power and Renewables,
    Bank of America
  • Daniel Androphy, Managing Director, Power and Infrastructure,
    Riverbend Energy
  • John Larkey, Vice President, Power Marketing,
    National Grid Renewables
  • Ray Henger, CEO,
    Copia Power
  • Daryna Kotenko, Managing Editor, North America Power Pricing,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • Vijay Kaki, Market Design,
    New York ISO
  • Damian Beauchamp, President,
    8 Rivers
  • Timothy Vail, CEO,
    Ion Clean Energy
  • Philip Holder, Managing Director,
  • Chris Diaz, Co-CEO,
    Seminole Financial Services
  • Ashwani Khubani, Global Head of Corporate Banking - Power, Utilities and Renewables,
  • Farah Benahmed, Manager, US Policy & Advocacy,
    Breakthrough Energy
  • Scott Morris, Deputy Executive Director, Operations,
    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • Andre T. Porter, Senior Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer and General Counsel,
  • Benton Arnett, Senior Director, Markets and Policy,
    Nuclear Energy Institute
  • Hill Vaden, Executive Director, Financial and Capital Markets,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • Vivek Kagzi, Managing Director,
    Goldman Sachs
  • Grace Parker, Power Pricing Analyst,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • Kleber Costa, CCO,
    AES Clean Energy
  • Farish Mozley, Senior Government Affairs Associate,
    EDP Renewables North America
  • Bryan Didier, Partner, Managing Director,
    Monarch Private Equity
  • John Leonti, Partner,
    troutman pepper
  • Roger Kranenburg, Vice President, Energy Strategy and Policy,
  • Ben Jacoby, Partner, Managing Director,
    Paragon Energy Capital
  • Lance Titus, Senior Managing Director, Head of New Energies, Americas,
  • William Freebairn, Associate Editorial Director, Nuclear and Uranium,
    S&P Global Commodity Insights
  • Rodrigo Inurreta Acero, Regional Policy And Regulation - NA,
    EDP Renewables North America


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Become a sponsor

Download the brochureDemonstrate your strengths, raise your company profile, and maximize your ROI as we bring key industry players and decision-makers to you. At the S&P Global Commodity Insights Global Power Markets Conference, each sponsor has the opportunity to showcase their products and services and distinguish themselves from the competition. We offer a full range of opportunities and packages, and can even tailor solutions to suit your needs.

Download our Americas event portfolio brochure to learn more about our events and who attends.

Contact us to start a conversation about your goals and how you can lead the pack as an event sponsor: Lorne Grout, Commercial Partnerships Manager, at +1 339 223 9499 or [email protected].


Super Early Bird Rate
Register by January 17
Early Bird Rate
Register by February 28
Standard Rate
All Access Pass
Conference Only
Training Only
Groups *
Register 3 delegates, get one free    
Register 3 delegates, get one free    
Register 3 delegates, get one free    

Government and utility rates are available. See FAQs for more information. Rates are in USD and are not inclusive of local taxes or VAT. Americas Region event terms and conditions apply.

* See FAQs for details on registering at a special rate.

View full event terms and conditions

Click here to view the full event terms and conditions, then use the drop-down menu to select the applicable event category.


Four Seasons Las Vegas
3960 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 USA

Your conference registration does not include accommodation. A limited number of rooms have been reserved for conference attendees at the Four Seasons and Mandalay Bay Hotels at a discounted group rate.

Please note that these rates apply for the nights of April 13-15, 2025. The discounted room rate will be available until March 31, 2025 – or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first. For those attendees that book a room in the official room block over the peak Event dates, quoted group room rates will be offered to attendees, based on contracted room type and rate availability, 3 days before and 3 days after the above official Event dates.

Delegates will receive booking information and links upon completing their registration.

* Please note: S&P Global does not associate with third-party reservation agents and cannot guarantee their legitimacy. We advise you use the information we provide when making your reservations.

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How to register

We offer three easy ways to register:

Online: Click here to register now

Email: [email protected]

Phone: Toll Free: 800-752-8878
Outside the US & Canada:
+1 212-904-3070

Payment forms accepted

We only accept payment by credit card for this event.

Group rate

Your organization may send 1 person for free for every 3 people registered at the current delegate rate. All registrations must be from the same organization and made at the same time to qualify. The group rate is not retroactive. Your invoice will reflect 3 delegates at the current rate and 1 delegate at $0.

Gov/Coop/Muni/Utility rate

If you are an employee of a government, cooperative, or municipal agency, you qualify for the Gov/Coop/Muni special rate. To register, email us at [email protected] or call Toll Free: 800-752-8878
Outside the US & Canada:
+1 212-904-3070.

What to do if you get sick before an event

The health and safety of our attendees are of utmost importance. Currently, we require attendees to refrain from attending if feeling ill. We will apply a credit of your registration fee to your individual account, good for one (1) year or towards next year's event if you provide a doctor's note or proof of a positive test within three (3) days prior to the event start date. Contact us via email to [email protected]. For assistance, you may also reach out by phone: Toll Free: 800-752-8878
Outside the US & Canada:
+1 212-904-3070. We appreciate your cooperation as we work to keep everyone safe during these challenging times.

How to obtain a letter of invitation to apply for a travel visa

We can provide you with a letter of invitation to apply for a travel visa, which you should then send to the appropriate consulate or embassy of the event location. Please note:

  • — Your registration fee must be paid in full before a letter of invitation can be issued. There are no exceptions.
  • — Payment is considered full once money is posted to an order. Credit card payments are immediate. Wire transfer payments require at least 5 business days. Check payments require at least 10 business days.
  • — The visa application process can take weeks or even months, depending on the countries involved and time of year, so you should consider registering and paying as early as possible.

Once full payment has been made, please contact Customer Service to request a letter of invitation:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: Toll Free: 800-752-8878
Outside the US & Canada:
+1 212-904-3070

Networking app

Event registration includes access to the networking app, available for your smartphone, tablet, and desktop (both iOS and Android). We'll send registrants details about logging in to the app as soon as it goes live. Please note that your registration must be paid in full to receive access. (* Training-only registration does not qualify for the event app.)

Substitution policy (how to transfer your registration to a colleague)

If you’re not able to attend, we’re happy to transfer your registration to a member of your organization at no cost, up to 2 business days in advance of the event. Requests must be received in writing via email to [email protected], and are subject to approval. For assistance, you may also reach out by phone: Toll Free: 800-752-8878
Outside the US & Canada:
+1 212-904-3070

Cancellation policy

If you're not able to attend or send a colleague in your place, we accept cancellations and provide refunds if received in writing to [email protected] at least 30 days before the event. In the event of non-attendance, the full invoice fee will be payable.

Sponsorship opportunities

We offer a variety of standard and tailor-made sponsorship opportunities to fit your marketing and business-to-business needs—and your budget. Please reach out directly to the Business Development Manager for this event:

Lorne Grout

Phone: +1 339 223 9499

Email: [email protected]

Speaking opportunities

We're always looking for the best voices in the industry to share their experience and perspective on opportunities, challenges, and trends. Please reach out directly to the Conference Producer to discuss availability and suitability:

Brian Speight

Phone: +1 720 512 9220

Email: [email protected]

Press passes

We allow accredited media writing on behalf of major industry publications to cover the event at no charge. Please reach out to the contact below for press pass approval.

Bel Cevallos

Phone: +1 346 228 1991

Email: [email protected]

Event terms and conditions

Click here to view the full event terms and conditions, then use the drop-down menu to select the Americas Region event category.