Data Delivery available via Snowflake

Through Snowflake, you are able to directly access and query S&P Global and select third-party data ― eliminating the data ingestion process and significantly improving your productivity and efficiency. Snowflake's database architecture, which separates storage and computing, results in queries being more efficient; granting you more time for analysis.

S&P Global’s cloud-based delivery offers customers a managed and scalable solution that simplifies their access to data and enhances their ability to work with large datasets more efficiently. Through Snowflake, S&P Global and selected third-party data is fully managed and ready for clients to query. Clients can access the service via the cloud platform of their choice, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

How can Snowflake impact your business?

As an Enterprise Customer, getting the data from S&P Global in one place and integrating it with internal workflows is cumbersome and expensive. In addition, it requires manual effort to maintain the latest data definitions.

From the evolution of the punch card to the onset of big data itself, we've been here through it all. During this time, our mission has remained the same, to provide you cutting-edge solutions for your business needs. That's why we've collaborated with Snowflake to deliver you best-in-class data via the cloud.

You need to capitalize on the explosion of big data and uncover additional insights that can give you an edge in today's ever-changing market. Quickly and efficiently gain access to data, including our best-in-class traditional data, via Snowflake ― a data warehouse built for the cloud.

Experience Platts Market Data delivered seamlessly to your workflows.

Learn More

With S&P Global data via Snowflake, you can:

  • Reduce time to insights: Get data faster to accelerate analytics and make more timely decisions.
  • Eliminate data transformation: With no need to extract and transform data before using, you can reduce the time, effort, and cost associated with data analytics.
  • Improve operational efficiency: Access to ready-to-query data gives you the ability to streamline data analytics operations and get value from your data faster.
  • Streamline your workflow: Directly integrate data into you existing views and workflows with access to over 80 third-party vendors such as Tableau and Alteryx.

What makes Cloud Sharing different from traditional data delivery mechanisms?

Traditional Data Center Hosting

  • Static and inflexible
  • Antiquated tools
  • Capital intensive
  • ‘Fixed’ on-premise hardware costs

Cloud Hosting

  • Dynamic and flexible
  • Easily integrated with modern
    tools and applications
  • Pay-as-you-go
  • Better performance and scalability

Customer Feedback

“We use Platts data for Forecasting or data modelling. Having the data in Snowflake makes it easier to create models in Python or dashboards in Tableau.”

  • IT Consultant, Energy Trading Firm

“We do not have expertise to connect individual APIs to centralized data warehouse. Snowflake will get us all the Platts Data at one place and avoid cost of implementing individual APIs.”

  • Senior Research Specialist, Integrated Oil Major

“We will be able to save meaningful man hours because of the database management efficiencies Snowflake creates.”

  • Database Architect

Whether you’re a current Snowflake user or not, you can have S&P Global data delivered seamlessly to your workflows

Reader accounts are available for S&P Global customers who do not have a relationship with Snowflake. These accounts allow you to query S&P Global data using our compute credits.

S&P Global Commodity Insights can share our data from the CI Snowflake Instance to the customer’s Snowflake instance. This allows the customer to run their analysis using their own compute credits.

S&P Global Commodity Insights Datasets Available in Snowflake

Market Data -
Crude Package
Market Data -
Refined Package
Market Data -
Americas Gas & Power Package
Market Data -
European Gas & Power Package
Market Data -
LNG Package
Market Data -
Petrochemical Package
Market Data -
Coal Package
Market Data -
Metals Package
Market Data -
Steel Package
Market Data -
Agriculture Package
Market Data -
Nuclear Package
Market Data -
Energy Transition Package
Market Data -
Shipping Package
North American
Upstream Data
Upstream Data
Canadian Spatial

Through Snowflake, you are able to directly access and query S&P Global and select third-party data ― eliminating the data ingestion process and significantly improving your productivity and efficiency. Snowflake's database architecture, which separates storage and computing, results in queries being more efficient; granting you more time for analysis.


Snowflake allows for unlimited concurrency and infinite scalability when compared to traditional on premise databases or non-Snowflake cloud solutions. Snowflake's availability in Amazon AWS, Microsoft AZURE, and Google Cloud allows you to leverage your cloud provider of choice.


With access to the cloud from virtually anywhere, you can now eliminate the need to manage an expensive data warehouse – streamlining both your data and delivery needs.


Snowflake supports ANSI SQL, meaning most common operations are supported in Snowflake, therefore streamlining your migration from traditional RDBMS to Snowflake.

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