In a market environment that generates plenty of
uncertainties, you need an independent, verifiable source of data to help validate
valuations, protect from overexposure, and better align risk tolerance with business
Platts Commodity Risk Solutions provide risk valuation inputs to support P&L
valuations, risk management, and M2M (mark-to-market) fair value financial disclosures.
A forward price is the price paid today for an obligation
to be performed on a specified date in the future. This may be for the
physical delivery of a commodity to a specified location or the
financial exchange of fixed price and floating price payments with
reference to a notional quantity of a commodity.
Platts Forward Curves are industry-leading, independent, and
verifiable sources of data that covers over 750 market-based forward
curves across commodities. We help clients to more confidently perform
risk management functions, value assets, and plan capital expenditures
based on current market conditions.
Platts Forward Curve - Oil (including refined products) provides global forward curve assessments based on Platts Market on Close (MOC) price discovery system. This system is designed to yield a price assessment reflective of market values at the close of every trading day in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa (EMEA), and the Americas.
The latest generation of products designed to help you manage energy price risk, Platts Natural Gas & Platts Power curves are independently and transparently produced, and provide you with market-based forward curves and supporting analytical data for key trading hubs.
Platts Natural Gas and Power Curves are published based upon our use of Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) settlement data. This data, along with our extensive spot price history and proprietary quantitative techniques, enables us to provide standardized, granular forward curves for liquid and illiquid trading hubs alike.
Platts LNG Forward Curves provide fair market value-based forward curves for the most pertinent global markers Platts Japan Korean Marker (JKM), Platts West India Marker (WIM), Platts Gulf Coast Marker (GCM), and Platts Northwest Europe Marker (NEW) at a monthly granularity up to 240 months.
Energy Studio: Impact is a web-based platform that transforms big data into real-time analytics across the entire energy value chain. With over 750 curves and global, cross-commodity coverage, customers now have access to the full breadth of forward curves within a dedicated Forward Curves visualization tool on Energy Studio: Impact.
Complete the form, and a sales team member will contact you to discuss the challenges you are facing and how our product offerings can help you grow and succeed.
Platts PFC-Gas and PFC-Power (Europe)
Platts M2MS-GAS® and M2MS-POWER® (Americas)
Mexico Natural Gas – Platts Forward Curves
Platts LNG Forward Curves enable precise and informed valuations for advanced investment and trading decisions. Emphasize your commitment to efficient risk management by using the checks and balances of our independent solution.
Benefits of Platts Forward Curves on Energy Studio: Impact
Platts Forward Curves that are available on Energy Studio: Impact: